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Showing posts with label Yogurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yogurt. Show all posts

Thursday 9 February 2012

Creamy Mint Dip for Blog Hop Wednesdays and Forgetfulness Episodes

Yesterday started with a bang and I realized it was Wednesday and not just any other Wednesday but a Blog Hop Wednesday. Usually, I compose the blog hop post well in advance, but today I was almost caught off guard. Really, for no reason I can fathom, I suddenly realized that I have not been keeping a track of what day it is? Even after I had scheduled this post for Tuesday! Well the forgetfulness episodes is not just about this but about all the other 101 things I keep forgetting everyday and particularly those things DH categorically asks me to do. 

First thing first. So, when I realized it was blog hop Wednesday, I headed off to my assigned blog (which I have visited a couple of time the past week and have read almost all her posts). But, now I was looking for something that can be prepared in a jiffy. I had already bookmarked this, this and this. Then I had thought of this, but then I didn't have the said biscuit at home. So, finally I zeroed on this recipe as it was the quickest thing possible. I whipped it up, clicked a few pics, kept the dip in the fridge and headed straight to the already appointed engagements of the day. I came back home a little late than planned and was literally starving. This dip and the tortilla chips came to my rescue and in no time, I finished off the bowl clean.

Recipe Source: Pink's Recipe Diary

Greek Yogurt 150 ml
3-4 Mint leaves finely chopped
Salt and sugar to taste
Chili flakes to taste

Note: I have used Greek Yogurt here which is thick and creamy. Instead, you can use hung curd, prepared by spreading the yogurt over muslin cloth lined over a sieve and letting the whey from the yogurt drain away.


Add everything in bowl and mix well. The dip is ready to serve. 
I had it with lightly salted Tortilla Chips

As Pinky puts it, It is a very versatile dip and can be used to spread it on sandwich and I am going to try that soon.  

Do check what other blog hoppers are up with.

I will chronicle my forgetfulness episodes in the next post as it I have ranted a lot here already. Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Guilt free Dessert ~ Blueberry Fool

When you think dessert, generally a calorie rich dish comes to mind. Well, think again! These blueberry fools are actually low fat and still lusciously creamy and indulgent.

I received Rachel Allen's Easy Meals as a gift this Christmas and as I was browsing the book, I came across a very simple dessert named Apple Fool. Rachel chronicles that it may be because it is so simple that any fool can make it. Then she adds on that the word fool is derived from the word fouler, meaning to crush or press. While the original recipe from the book had double cream in it, I substituted it with low fat hung curd and instead of apples, I used blueberries.

A very healthy and simple dessert which any one can make. Linking it to my event Healthy and Hearty
 and to Any One Can Cook Series by Taste of Pearl City

500gm low fat yogurt.
2-3 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence.
2/3 cup fresh or frozen bluberries
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp sugar.
Click here for the printable version

1. Line a muslin cloth over a sieve and place it over a large bowl. Pour the yogurt over the muslin cloth and let it hang in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or over night. The yogurt will reduce into half its original volume.

2. Add blueberries, sugar , lemon juice and zest in a pan and heat it till it bubbles and blueberries and soft and leaves out it juice. Remove from heat and let it cool completely. Our blueberry compote is ready.

3. In another bowl mix the hung yogurt, vanilla and sugar. In 2 serving glasses pour the yogurt mixture and blueberry mixture alternately till used. The layers need not be perfect, rather it should give a zigzag pattern.
Keep it in refrigerator till needed. Serve cold. Enjoy!

Note: You can substitute the blueberry with any kind of berries, cherries or even substitute the berry compote with pureed fruit like mango, pear etc.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pear & Cardamom Smoothie~ For Blog Hop Wednesdays~ From Priya's Easy n Tasty Recipes

Priya's Blog needs no introduction. Most of us in this blogging world must have come across her blog. It is one of the most frequently updated, versatile and has hundreds of recipes. It is a marathon task to pick up one recipe to try from there because if you spend even  half an hour on that blog you will end up bookmarking so many of her recipes. She has a space with the most wide variety of recipes and I am glad to have been assigned her blog for this edition of Blog Hop. But the problem was how to choose one.

However, I did manage to choose one- Corn and Chickpeas Seekh Kebabs after long hours of shuffling through  her recipes. But, give it to my poor planning, I didn't even realize it is Wednesday today and to make things worse I was missing some vital ingredients to make these kebabs. I am not an instant blogger. I take my time to ponder and compose a post. So, trying these kebabs are put on hold for a day, but, I am going to make them for sure.

Then started another sessions of zeroing on another recipe and this time I wanted a quick recipe with the ingredients I had at hand. What can be quicker than a salad or a smoothie. So, I decided on this Cardamom and Pear Smoothie.

2 pears peeled and chopped.
1/2 cup low fat Yogurt
1 cardamom pod crushed finely
Sugar to taste

Add every thing in a blender and give a quick whiz. Adjust the sweetness to your taste. Pour into a glass and serve immediately!

The smoothie was satisfying and the cardamom added a wonderful flavor and warmth to it.  I enjoyed my glass of smoothie.

Check out what other Blog Hoppers are up with.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!