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Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts

Friday 16 May 2014

Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade Recipe | How to Make Strawberry Lemonade | Summer Drinks

Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade Recipe | How to Make Strawberry Lemonade | Summer Drinks
Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade #Recipe
This Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade Recipe is a pretty instant one. Whenever you feel the summer blues melting you down, sip on this and chill.

Summer is here in full spat. The sun shines brightly all day and keeps the mercury soaring relentlessly. Of course, there is some respite in the evening when the cool breeze blows, but for the most part of the day, you can feel the heat all the time.

In order to enjoy summer make summer bearable, we can obviously enjoy chilled drinks. Coz, when the rain hits (which should happen in a couple of weeks), you won't be able to sip on chilled drinks as much. For those will be the time when you will want to gorge on some Onion Bhajji and Masala Chai. So, for now, keep your spirits up with this 'Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade'.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Event Round Up ~ Cool Summer Sips

It has been quite a while since I announced the 'Cool Summer Sips' event and finally today I am up with the round up. I must admit that I didn't give this event the due attention. I was more prone to cough and cold this summer and hence didn't try out as many cool drinks I would have liked. My board for Cool Drinks on Pinterest is full of beautiful summer drinks that need to be tried. I guess there is still time for those.

Coming back to the round up, I have arranged the drinks mostly in chronological order. My event was all about cool drinks, so I have excluded the entries of ice creams. Enjoy this virtual display of cool drinks. Thank you very much for sending in your entries. 


My contributions: Sweet Lime Soda 

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Blueberry Lassi | Blueberry Smoothie ~ To Beat The Heat

I find Irish weather very unpredictable. During this summer some days have been rain washed, some over cast and gloomy and a couple of times we are blessed with bright sunny weather. Such unpredictable weather poses more than one problem. For one thing one can't decide how to dress up. Each day is different, so simply cannot do away with the woolen clothes or shove the quilts and pull overs in the overhead drawers. You buy a big tub of ice cream and from then onwards, the weather gets cold and you feel like having Onion Bhajjis with a cup of masala chai.

Today is one of those few bright and sunny days and I was craving for a cold flavorful drink. On going through my fridge I found a bottle of 'Home Made Blueberry Syrup' which I usually use for making Blueberry Lemonade. But lemonade was not what I wanted to have and I whipped up this Lassi or Smoothie as it is called in this part of the world.


1/2 cup low fat yogurt
1/4 cup water
3-4 tbsp Homemade Blueberry Syrup (follow link for recipe)
Ice cubes
6-7 fresh blueberries, optional

1. In a mixer jar add yogurt, water, ice cubes and blueberry syrup and give it a quick whiz.
2. Pour into a tall glass and top with fresh blueberries. Serve immediately.
Linking it to my event - Cool Summer Sips.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Sweet Lime Soda

When ever I listen to Indian news these days, there is always some piece about the relentless heat that is scorching most parts of India. Luckily, I live in a country where the temperature barely soars over mid twenties. Most of the time it varies between pleasant to cold(or to very cold). I have almost forgotten how it feels to be in 40 degrees and I have no wish to experience the same.

To beat the heat, most people like to have chilled drinks and one of the most popular drink in India is Sweet Lime Soda. I will rank it only second to fresh sugar cane juice. Sweet Lime Soda is nothing but sweet lemonade that uses soda water instead of plain water. A special blend of spices is often used and the resultant is often termed as Masala Soda. Here I have used a blend of roasted cumin and black pepper but, I have strained it as I don't like bits of spices in my drink. You may however choose not to strain it. Lets see how I make this summer delight drink.

500ml of soda water ( I use half plain water and half soda water)
1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar (Adjust to taste)
1/2 tsp black salt
1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder
1/4 tsp black pepper powder
1/4 cup lemon/lime juice
1/4 cup water
Slices of lime/lemon and mint sprig to garnish
Ice cubes as needed

1. Mix all the ingredients except the soda water. Stir till all the sugar is dissolved. Strain and divide equally in 4 glasses with ice cubes.
2. Top it up with soda water. Stir and serve immediately if you want to enjoy the fizziness of soda water. Best served chilled.

Linking it to my event - Cool Summer Sips. The last date of the same has been extended to 30th July.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pear & Cardamom Smoothie~ For Blog Hop Wednesdays~ From Priya's Easy n Tasty Recipes

Priya's Blog needs no introduction. Most of us in this blogging world must have come across her blog. It is one of the most frequently updated, versatile and has hundreds of recipes. It is a marathon task to pick up one recipe to try from there because if you spend even  half an hour on that blog you will end up bookmarking so many of her recipes. She has a space with the most wide variety of recipes and I am glad to have been assigned her blog for this edition of Blog Hop. But the problem was how to choose one.

However, I did manage to choose one- Corn and Chickpeas Seekh Kebabs after long hours of shuffling through  her recipes. But, give it to my poor planning, I didn't even realize it is Wednesday today and to make things worse I was missing some vital ingredients to make these kebabs. I am not an instant blogger. I take my time to ponder and compose a post. So, trying these kebabs are put on hold for a day, but, I am going to make them for sure.

Then started another sessions of zeroing on another recipe and this time I wanted a quick recipe with the ingredients I had at hand. What can be quicker than a salad or a smoothie. So, I decided on this Cardamom and Pear Smoothie.

2 pears peeled and chopped.
1/2 cup low fat Yogurt
1 cardamom pod crushed finely
Sugar to taste

Add every thing in a blender and give a quick whiz. Adjust the sweetness to your taste. Pour into a glass and serve immediately!

The smoothie was satisfying and the cardamom added a wonderful flavor and warmth to it.  I enjoyed my glass of smoothie.

Check out what other Blog Hoppers are up with.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Orange Spritzer ~ Homemade Fanta ~ India Calling!

Finally the day is few hours away!

Some times back, I had mentioned in one of my post that I will be going to India soon and that is the day I am talking about. I am flying to India tomorrow! Yayy!

Days have been busy of late, as I had been preparing for this trip. Finishing reading books I had brought from library, returning unfinished books, shopping, preparing lists for India shopping, packing and preparing the home for DH as he will be making this trip 2 weeks later, cooking things to finish up vegetables from my pantry (and clicking them as well, watch out this space for recipes in coming days)! So, this space has been silent for a couple of days now. 

Today I have chosen to post this refreshing orange drink which I like to call Orange Spritzer, When, I served this to my DH, he said it is just like Fanta! To add a little here, we both love Fanta!

The recipe is very simple. You will need:

200ml of freshly squeezed orange juice.(About 3 oranges).
1 tbsp lemon juice.
6-8 ice cubes
3-4 tbsp sugar(as per your taste or the sweetness of the oranges)
120 ml or more chilled soda water.
Sprig of mint to decorate.

Serves 2


1. In a jar mix add orange juice,lemon juice and sugar. Stir well.
2. Add ice cubes to two tall glasses. Pour the prepared mixture.
3. Top it with chilled soda water and stir. Add a sprig of mint and serve immediately!Enjoy!

This drink is perfect for hot days. Perfect to beat the heat. Here is one glass for you!

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers. 
P.S. I will be back soon with posts from India. Till I write again, stay tuned!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Blog Hop Wednesdays 1 ~ Cranberry Lemonade ~ From RedSpice!

Come Wednesday and here is my first entry to the brand new event, Blog Hop Wednesday started by Radhika. This week I am paired with Madhusmita of Redspice and I have tried this Cranberry Lemonade from her blog. I loved her space and really liked the way she gives the background information about all the dishes she posts.

As it is evident from this  my previous post, I love lemonade. Unlike, my blueberry lemonade this is much quicker as one doesnot have to prepare the syrup. Of course, if you wish you can using fresh cranberries. Infact, it is already in my to-make list when these berries are in season. Only thing I tweaked was I did not use frozen lemonade for making it. Instead I made the lemonade myself.

Here comes the recipe:

250 ml cold water.
3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice.
150 ml craberry juice.
A slice of lemon to decorate and ice cubes.


1. Stir in the sugar in the water and let it dissolve (I didn't go for heating it).

2. Add the lemon juice.

3. Before serving add the cranberry juice and stir well. Add the lemon slice and ice cubes.

4. Serve cold.

 Check out other Blog Hop Wednesday Bloggers and what they are up with for Blog Hop Wednesday

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Mango Mania ~ Mango Lassi/ Mango Smoothie!

Lassi is a yogurt based drink from Punjab, India. It can be either sweet or salted or flavoured with fruit. It is usually served chilled as a refreshment during summer days. Mango being in season, this Mango Lassi is currently at the top of my drink list. It is best to use ripe, sweet Alphonso mangoes when available or you can use canned mango pulp as well. I prefer to use fresh mangoes.

Mango is a nutritionally very rich fruit. Read this to know the benefits of this exotic tropical fruit. Coming back to the recipe, here is what you will need to blend a yummy Mango Lassi.


Flesh of 1 ripe mango chopped.
150 ml low fat yogurt.
150 ml water
2 cardamom pod seeds freshly powdered.
Sugar to taste.
Ice cubes (Optional)


Add all the ingredients in a blender and churn till smooth. Sieve it to remove any fibre and adjust the sugar as per your taste and the sweetness of mango. Serve chilled. It like it reasonably thick, add more water if you like thinner.
Linking it to Fun N Sun , Seasonal Indulgence Series- Summer Coolers , Only Mocktails and Coolers . The 'Only series' is a brain child of Pari Also linking it to Healing food Sukham Coolers, this event is the brain child of Siri

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!