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Showing posts with label Fast Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fast Food. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Veg Chow mein Noodles ~ A Popular Indo-Chinese Dish

Indo Chinese Food is very popular in India. It is basically a fusion cuisine. Veg Chow mein is perhaps one of the most popular Indo Chinese dishes. From road side carts to posh restaurants, this humble noodles finds a place in many menus.

When ever, I prepare this dish, the first person who comes to my mind is my little sister, she loves this dish. DH likes it too. When I am not in a mood for elaborate cooking, I resort to making it. It is easy, yummy and filling too. Only task that can be cumbersome about making this dish is the way the veggies are sliced. It can take a lot of time if you are cooking for a lot of people, but for the two of us, it is not much work. Lets hop of to the recipe now-

Veg Chow mein Noodles

150 gm Chow mein Noodles
1 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp chilli sauce( add more if you like it spicier).
1 tbsp vinegar
Salt and black pepper to taste
1" inch ginger grated
2 cloves garlic chopped

Julienne cut vegetables (Amount may vary, I generally add about 1/4 cup of each)
Bell peppers (I used red, green and yellow)
Thinly sliced baby corn

Spring Onions for garnish (That you had grown on your window sill)


1. Cook the noodles as per the instructions given on the box. Make sure you cook it upto 80%. When it is sautéed with veggies, it will cook further.
2. Heat oil in a pan. When heated add the sliced onions. Fry them till they are slightly translucent. Add the ginger and garlic and sauté it for 30 seconds. Now add the carrots, beans and baby corn. Add salt and stir. Cover it and cook for 2-3 minutes, so that the carrots, beans and baby corn are tender. Now add the cabbage, bell peppers and peas. Stir and add some more salt and pepper.
3. Now add the cooked noodles and give it a nice stir. Add the soya sauce, chilli sauce, vinegar. Give it a good stir. Check seasoning. Add more salt and pepper if needed. Cook for another 3-4 minutes and take it off gas.
4. Serve it hot with Sweet chili sauce or ketchup or both! Enjoy!

We had it with Chilled Sweet Lime Soda..

Note: You can also add tofu or paneer pieces.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Guilt free Dessert ~ Blueberry Fool

When you think dessert, generally a calorie rich dish comes to mind. Well, think again! These blueberry fools are actually low fat and still lusciously creamy and indulgent.

I received Rachel Allen's Easy Meals as a gift this Christmas and as I was browsing the book, I came across a very simple dessert named Apple Fool. Rachel chronicles that it may be because it is so simple that any fool can make it. Then she adds on that the word fool is derived from the word fouler, meaning to crush or press. While the original recipe from the book had double cream in it, I substituted it with low fat hung curd and instead of apples, I used blueberries.

A very healthy and simple dessert which any one can make. Linking it to my event Healthy and Hearty
 and to Any One Can Cook Series by Taste of Pearl City

500gm low fat yogurt.
2-3 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence.
2/3 cup fresh or frozen bluberries
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp sugar.
Click here for the printable version

1. Line a muslin cloth over a sieve and place it over a large bowl. Pour the yogurt over the muslin cloth and let it hang in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or over night. The yogurt will reduce into half its original volume.

2. Add blueberries, sugar , lemon juice and zest in a pan and heat it till it bubbles and blueberries and soft and leaves out it juice. Remove from heat and let it cool completely. Our blueberry compote is ready.

3. In another bowl mix the hung yogurt, vanilla and sugar. In 2 serving glasses pour the yogurt mixture and blueberry mixture alternately till used. The layers need not be perfect, rather it should give a zigzag pattern.
Keep it in refrigerator till needed. Serve cold. Enjoy!

Note: You can substitute the blueberry with any kind of berries, cherries or even substitute the berry compote with pureed fruit like mango, pear etc.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Friday 8 April 2011

Vada Pav ~ The Indian Burger (With home made Pav/Buns)

Vada Pav is a popular road side snack from Maharastra, India. It consists of a batata vada (potato fritter) sandwiched between two slices of a pav/ bun smeared with garlic and green chutney (condiments). I had Vada Pav first time while travelling from Bombay to Pune in a road side dhaba and needless to say I loved it.

My DH had been asking me to make it at home and finally I did. I had made it on the Ind Vs Pak world cup semi final match. Partly because, I wanted to keep myself occupied or else I would be found pacing up and down in front of the TV(I can't handle the excitement and tension of such cricket clashes).

My attempt of making buns at home was a success and I can't help dispalying the pictures. So, this is going to be a long post. I had picked up the recipes from several places and came up with this recipe. Lets have a look.

Ingredients for Pav/Buns: Adapted from US Masala

2 cup extra strong white flour/AP Flour.
1/2 tsp salt.
1 tbsp sugar.
11/2 tsp instant dried yeast.
1 1/2 tbsp melted butter.
3/4 cup +2-3 tbsp warm milk.
1 tbsp milk for brushing the buns
1 tbsp melted butter for brushing.

  1. In a medium bowl add the sugar and hand hot milk. Stir and add the dried yeast. Sprinkle 1 tsp flour over it. Cover it and let it sit for 10 minutes. It will become frothy and ready for use.
  2. In a separate large bowl shift the flour and salt and make  a well in the centre. Add the butter to the frothy mixture and add it to the flour little by little. Use your hands to bring the flour together to make a dough. Add the extra milk to form a sticky dough.
  3. Apply some butter on your palms and bring the dough on a light floured surface. Knead the dough by stretching it at one end and bringing it back till the dough is smooth and springs back when touched.
  4. Keep the dough in a clean greased bowl and apply some butter over it to prevent the top of the dough from drying. Cover it with a wet kitchen towel and keep it in a warm place to rise for about 1-2 hours.
  5. After the first rise, gently deflate the dough by punching it and knead ofr another 2-3 minutes. Divide it into 9 balls and keep them in a greased tray. Cover it with a wet kitchen towl and keep it in a warm place for the second rising for an hour. 
  6. After an hour when the dough has risen again, brush milk on the top of the buns and bake it in an oven preheated at 180 C for 12-15 minutes. Brush melted butter when it comes out of the oven.
In the pictures above first one is the dough kneaded and ready for the first rise. Second one is the risen dough followed by 9 dough balls ready for the second rising. Last one is the buns out of the oven with butter brushed on top. You can see the texture inside the buns in the picture below.
Ingredients for the vadas : Adapted from Tarla Dalal

Makes 8 vadas
4 medium sized or 8 small potatoes boiled, peeled and mashed
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 green chilli finely chopped
1 tsp mustard seeds.
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
2 tbsp finely chopped onion
4-5 curry leaves.
A pinch of asafeotida
1 tsp turmeric powder.
Handful of chopped coriander leaves.
1 tbsp oil.

For Vada outer coating:
1/2 cup besan flour
1 tsp chilli powder
2 tbsp rice flour
a pinch of baking soda.
a pinch of turmeric powder
1 tsp oil
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry

  1. Heat the oil and add the mustard seeds and cumin seeds. When they crackle, add the asafoetida and curry leaves and sauté for a few seconds.
  2. Add the ginger garlic mixture, chopped onions and chopped chillies and sauté again for a few seconds. Add the potatoes, turmeric powder, chopped coriander and salt and mix well.
  3.  Remove from the heat and cool. Divide into 8 equal portions. Shape into rounds. 4.
  4. Combine all the ingredients for the outer covering in a bowl and make a batter using approximately 1/3 cup of water.
  5. Dip each round of the vada filling into the batter and allow it to coat the mixture well .
  6. Deep fry in hot oil, till golden brown. Keep them on a kitchen towel so that it absorbs extra oil.

Red Garlic Chutney: Adapted from Sharmis Passions
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
2 dried whole red chillies
2 tsp red chilli power (optional)
4 garlic chopped finely
1 tsp tamarind paste 
Salt to taste

Dry roast coconut and tamarind till lightly browned. Grind together with all other ingredients. Do not add water.

Green Chutney:
2 cup chopped coriander leaves.
1 cup chopped mint leaves.
2 green chillies.
1 tsp cumin seeds.
2 inch ginger piece, peeled
Salt to taste.
Lemon juice as needed.

  1. Add all the ingredients in a grinder and make a paste. Add water as little as possible.
  2. Add lemon juice to taste just before serving.
It can be stored for weeks  in freezer without adding the lemon juice. I store it in my ice cube tray and use cubes of chutney whenever required. Generally, I microwave two cubes of chutney on medium high for 30 seconds and its ready to use.

Assembling the Vada Pav:

1. Cut the bun into two halves. Butter them and toast them on a pan.
2. Smear  the chutneys on each side. Place the warm vada on one half and cover it with the other. Ready to serve.


Linking it to Yeast Spotting