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Showing posts with label Blueberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blueberries. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Guilt free Dessert ~ Blueberry Fool

When you think dessert, generally a calorie rich dish comes to mind. Well, think again! These blueberry fools are actually low fat and still lusciously creamy and indulgent.

I received Rachel Allen's Easy Meals as a gift this Christmas and as I was browsing the book, I came across a very simple dessert named Apple Fool. Rachel chronicles that it may be because it is so simple that any fool can make it. Then she adds on that the word fool is derived from the word fouler, meaning to crush or press. While the original recipe from the book had double cream in it, I substituted it with low fat hung curd and instead of apples, I used blueberries.

A very healthy and simple dessert which any one can make. Linking it to my event Healthy and Hearty
 and to Any One Can Cook Series by Taste of Pearl City

500gm low fat yogurt.
2-3 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence.
2/3 cup fresh or frozen bluberries
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp sugar.
Click here for the printable version

1. Line a muslin cloth over a sieve and place it over a large bowl. Pour the yogurt over the muslin cloth and let it hang in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or over night. The yogurt will reduce into half its original volume.

2. Add blueberries, sugar , lemon juice and zest in a pan and heat it till it bubbles and blueberries and soft and leaves out it juice. Remove from heat and let it cool completely. Our blueberry compote is ready.

3. In another bowl mix the hung yogurt, vanilla and sugar. In 2 serving glasses pour the yogurt mixture and blueberry mixture alternately till used. The layers need not be perfect, rather it should give a zigzag pattern.
Keep it in refrigerator till needed. Serve cold. Enjoy!

Note: You can substitute the blueberry with any kind of berries, cherries or even substitute the berry compote with pureed fruit like mango, pear etc.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Monday 11 July 2011

Lemonade With a Twist ~ Blueberry Lemonade ~ Making It From Scratch!

Summer for me is the time to indulge in cool delights and cool drinks tops my list. One of the most frequently made drink in my house is Indian Lemonade or Sikanji. Infact, it is one of the few simple things I had learned to make as a child. But, sometimes making the same drink every time you have an urge for a cool drink is monotonous. So, I look forward to trying out new things. Blueberry Lemonade is one such creation. It is simple lemonade with homemade blueberry syrup stirred into it, giving a merrier, berrier, lemony cool drink.

Sometimes, when I run out of the homemade bluberry syrup, I mix little blueberry jam with water and strain and use it in instead. I know that sounds weird, but it also tastes good! I am not sure how good it is nutritionally, so I won't encourage you to do the same. But, at times this trick has served my purpose ;-)!

The blueberry syrup can be made in advance and can be refrigerated for 1-2 months. We can also substitute blueberries with other berries to get a variety of flavoured lemonade. But, personally blueberry is my favorite.

Blueberries are very good for health.
~ They are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are understood to help neutralise the harmful free radicals that can cause cancer and other serious dieseases. They also help reduce cholesterol.
~ Blueberries are rich in potassium, which is known to regulate blood pressure.
~ Having a bowl of blueberries will keep your stomach happy and bowels clear.

These berries can be easily frozen and can be kept frozen for 5-6 months in zip lock bags.

How to freeze bluberries or any other berries?

Wash the berries and pat dry. Pick any over ripe or rotten berries from the lot. Make sure the berries are completely dry. Spread them in a single layer on a plate and cover it with a cling film and freeze over night. Take them out next day and fill them in a zip lock bag. Squeeze out any air and lock the bag and freeze again. Use as needed.

Coming back to the recipe, lets first prepare the blueberry syrup:

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries.
5-6 tbsp sugar.
75ml water.
2 tbsp lemon juice.


1. In a saucepan all the berries, sugar and water and bring it to boil. The berries will start to burst. Turn the heat to medium and add lemon juice.

2. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. Turn off the gas.

3. Let it cool completely. When cooled churn it in a blender and seive the mixture to get rid of any residue.

4. Store in a sterilized jar and keep it in the fridge. Use as needed.

For the blueberry lemonade:

Serves 4


450ml of water
Juice of 1 lemon (3-4 tbsp, adjust to taste).
5-6 tbsp sugar (Adjust to taste).
A good pinch of black salt.
7-8 ice cubes (optional).

4 tbsp blueberry syrup.


Mix everything together and stir till the sugar dissolves. Keep aside.

For blueberry lemonade stir in 4 tbsp of bluberry syrup into it and serve!

Enjoy this delicious cool treat this summer! One last peek!

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!