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Showing posts with label Eggless Bakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eggless Bakes. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Whole Wheat Dates & Walnut Cake (Eggless) | How to Bake Dates Cake | Healthy Cake Recipes

Whole Wheat Dates & Walnut Cake (Eggless) | How to Bake Dates Cake | Healthy Cake Recipes
Whole Wheat Dates & Walnut Cake (Eggless) #Recipe
Whole wheat dates & walnut cake, as the name suggests comes with the goodness of dates and walnuts. In this particular bake, I have gone a few steps ahead and have replaced the sugar with jaggery granules and butter with oil. And yes, there is no refined flour used. I got the bug of baking healthy from my dear friend and blogger Bhawana of Code2Cook. She has a penchant for baking with healthy and non-refined ingredients. I am a fan of her spiced pumpkin bread.

The school holiday season is upon us - so you know when the kid is around at home all the time you need to have something handy to serve as snacks. I try to serve my kid healthy and homemade stuff as much as possible (of course, there are cheats days). This cake is just one example.  I have noticed that my boy doesn't mind whole wheat cakes (completely opposite my DH). So, I have all the more reason to bake one for him. 

Whole wheat dates and walnut cake makes for a good snack – you can have it in the morning with a glass of milk or with your afternoon cup of tea or coffee.

Friday 28 June 2013

Eggless Cherry Cake Recipe | How to Bake Eggless Cherry Cake | Eggless Cakes

Eggless Cherry Cake #Recipe
I made this eggless cherry cake for a trip recently and it was such a hit. Since I have not been blogging actively for a while, I thought why not break the silence with this delicious eggless cherry cake. The cherry here are the glaced cherries, and not the actual fruit.

Knock knock! Is any one there?

I would not be surprised if this space is deserted after irregular, intermittent posts and long absence. I guess I have confessed before, I am not really good at managing work, home and blogging. This threesome role takes a toll on me and of course, blogging takes a back seat. Despite my best intentions, I have not been able to blog much of late. Only the book reviews with dead lines have made it here past couple of months and that has somehow manage to keep the blog going for a while. I don't know why cooking, taking pictures and blogging about it seems like a huge task. Has anyone here passed through such a phase? I sincerely hope I am not alone.

I will not make promises here about coming back with a bang because I know not when I might disappear again. So, for all those who still care to listen, I am here, alive and well. A recent trip to a beautiful hill station has energized me and hence I am seen tracing my steps back to this space. While I share some pictures from the trip soon here, this trip also reminds me of my baking plans I had before the trip.

I wanted to bake this simple vanilla cake with condensed milk and soda for our journey and at the last moment I realized, certain vital ingredients were missing. No butter, no vanilla and no aerated drink. Well, worry not. I substituted ingredients and surprisingly the cake came out good and DH liked it better than the original one. And it was praises praises all the way!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Custard Powder Bundt Cake ~ Egg less Yellow Cake With Chocolate Ganache

A very happy new year to all my fellow bloggers and my blog readers. May the new year bring you lots of happiness, prosperity and good health!

I have been away from this space for over a month now. Actually, I have shifted places and am now settling down slowly in a new city. There was a lot happening on the home front that blogging took a back seat. I will try to blog more frequently from now on. Today, I have something sweet to share from my drafts. I had made this cake quite some time back for our girls get together.

So lets start the new year on a sweet note!

 Recipe Source: Divine Taste 
Custard Powder Bundt Cake ~ Egg less Yellow Cake

1 cup milk
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/2 cup vanilla custard powder
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter

1.      Grease a bundt tin or a 8” round tin and lightly dust it with plain flour. Tap to remove excess flour from the surface of the pan. Preheat the oven at 160 C.
2.      In a large bowl shift all the dry ingredients except sugar.
3.      In a separate bowl whisk butter and sugar till soft and fluffy. Add in room temperature milk and whisk till well incorporated.
4.      Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well with a whisk until there are no lumps.
5.      Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake at 160 C for 45 minutes to 55 minutes, until a skewer comes out clean.

For the ganache:

50 ml cream
50 gm chocolate chunks

1. Add both the ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and heat for a minute. Stir till you get a smooth silk ganache.

Pour it over the cake once the cake is fully cooled. I had poured it while the cake was still a bit warm( was in a hurry). So, the ganache melted and dripped down ;(

Note: The cake taste best when eaten on the same day. Later it tends to get dry.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Eggless Vanilla Sponge Cake using Yogurt

I am professing for the umpteenth time here that I love baking. Since, I bake egg less, I am always in the lookout for good egg less recipes. This egg less vanilla cake is one of the popular ways of making an egg less sponge cake. This recipe originally by Nita Mehta has been blogged by many bloggers and every one is all praises for it. I have baked it many times and am posting it today from my drafts. It's high time I am out of my blogging slumber!

This is my second favourite way of making vanilla cake next only to this one.

Source: Sharmi's Passions


1 1/2 cups AP flour 
1 cup Thick Yogurt 
1 cup Sugar 
1/2 tsp Baking soda 
1 1/4 tsp Baking powder 
1/2 cup Oil
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract 

1. Preheat the oven to 180 deg C for 10 mins. Grease a 9'' round tin and dust it with flour.
2. Sieve AP flour and keep aside. Cream the powdered sugar and yogurt until sugar completely dissolves.
3. Add baking powder, baking soda to the creamed mixture and mix well. Leave aside for 5 mins and till bubbles appear in the mixture and it increases in volume
4. Now add in vanilla essence and oil and whisk. Slowly add the AP flour little at a time and blend with wet ingredients. Beat well till creamy and thick. It will take about 2-3 minutes.

5. Pour the batter prepared tin and bake in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Then reduce the temperature to 160 deg C and bake it for another 35-40 mins. 
6.  The cake is done if a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool down for 10 mins, then invert it into a serving plate. When the cake has completely cooled down, slice them into pieces. Enjoy!


- The Slices are firm and neat if the cake it cut after cooling for 4-5 hours.
- You can replace the oil with equal quantity of butter.
- In the recipe it is baked at 200 C at first and then at 180 C. But, I found my cakes turns brown and hard at that temperature. So, I lowered the temperature to 180 C and 160 C and baked it 5 minutes longer. So, adjust the temperature as per your oven.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Egg less Red Velvet Cake

Past few days in India has been hectic. I had been hoping to be able to blog from here, but was caught up with so many different things that, in the end blogging took a back seat. Today, I decided to give my blog a visit and found there are a few drafts which could be posted with a little effort. Of course, I do not want you guys to forget me while I am away from this space.

While I know I am posting two decadent sweets one after another, I really cant help it. The cake I am sharing today is the one I baked for my DH's birthday last month. I was hoping I would be able to post it sooner, but couldn't. I decided to post it on my birthday which was a couple of days back but, couldn't.really manage to do even that. So, today to break my long absence from blogging, I want to virtually treat you all with this Red Velvet Cake!

Birthdays are special. So, I like to bake something special. This Egg less Red Velvet Cake is also a result of such efforts. The cake was not as red as I would have like and I later felt I could another table spoon of the red colour. But, after it was iced and cut, the red looked reasonably good in contrast with the white icing. I actually forget to take a picture of a slice, so pardon me for that.

This article on wiki gives a synopsis of the history of this special cake. Since this cake is egg less I have deviated a lot from the way that cake is traditionally make. But for an egg less cake, the results were pretty good. Lets see how I made it.


11/2 cup + 2tbsp plain flour +1tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1tin condensed milk
1/2 cup butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup yogurt + 1/2 cup water
2 tbsp red colour (add another tbsp for a brighter red colour)
1tsp vanilla extract
1tsp apple cider vinegar


1. Preheat the oven at 160 C. Line a 9" round tin. Please note that baking time may vary if you choose a smaller or larger tin. So, adjust accordingly.

2. Shift the flour, baking powder and baking soda twice. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl whip the condensed milk and butter till the mixture is creamy. Add the red food colour and whisk again.

4. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture in 2-3 parts. Keep stirring while adding flour mixture. Add butter milk, vinegar and whisk for another 2 minutes. The batter will have a pouring consistency. Don't over do it

5. Pour the batter in the prepared tin and bake it in the preheated oven for 30 minutes at 160 C. Then lower the temperature to 150 C and bake for another 15-20 minutes.

6. The cake is done when a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool for at least 15 minutes before turning the cake out of the tin.Cool completely before icing the cake.

Mascarpone Cream Icing:

280 gm mascarpone cream
225 gm whipping cream
3/4 cup icing sugar

Pour all the ingredients in a large bowl and whip it till it is creamy and has a soft peak consistency. Chill it in the fridge for half an hour.

Assembling the cake:

Slice the cake in 3 layers. In a cake plate place the top most layer and spread the prepared icing in an even layer. Top it with the second and third layer in the same way and cover the whole cake with rest of the icing. Get creative with decorating the cake. I used piped border, glace cherries and chocolate hearts. You can do it the way you fancy!

I will definitely try to blog more often. I have read a few books and I will post the reviews soon. Stay tuned.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!