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Friday 28 June 2013

Eggless Cherry Cake Recipe | How to Bake Eggless Cherry Cake | Eggless Cakes

Eggless Cherry Cake #Recipe
I made this eggless cherry cake for a trip recently and it was such a hit. Since I have not been blogging actively for a while, I thought why not break the silence with this delicious eggless cherry cake. The cherry here are the glaced cherries, and not the actual fruit.

Knock knock! Is any one there?

I would not be surprised if this space is deserted after irregular, intermittent posts and long absence. I guess I have confessed before, I am not really good at managing work, home and blogging. This threesome role takes a toll on me and of course, blogging takes a back seat. Despite my best intentions, I have not been able to blog much of late. Only the book reviews with dead lines have made it here past couple of months and that has somehow manage to keep the blog going for a while. I don't know why cooking, taking pictures and blogging about it seems like a huge task. Has anyone here passed through such a phase? I sincerely hope I am not alone.

I will not make promises here about coming back with a bang because I know not when I might disappear again. So, for all those who still care to listen, I am here, alive and well. A recent trip to a beautiful hill station has energized me and hence I am seen tracing my steps back to this space. While I share some pictures from the trip soon here, this trip also reminds me of my baking plans I had before the trip.

I wanted to bake this simple vanilla cake with condensed milk and soda for our journey and at the last moment I realized, certain vital ingredients were missing. No butter, no vanilla and no aerated drink. Well, worry not. I substituted ingredients and surprisingly the cake came out good and DH liked it better than the original one. And it was praises praises all the way!
Here is the recipe. You can find the original cake recipe I intended to bake here and find the difference. The cake sank a little in the middle, since I opened the over doors a little early out of excitement. Please you do not do so and the cake will come out just fine and evenly risen!

Some other cake recipes on the blog that you can check out:

Eggless Pineapple Cardamom Cake
Eggless Vanilla Cake with Yoghurt
Eggless Dates and Chocolate Cake
Eggless Almond and Cherry Cake

Eggless Cherry Cake Recipe


11/2 cup AP Flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup clarified butter/ghee
1 tin sweetened condensed milk (400gm)
1/2 cup yogurt
1/4 cup water
A few drops of lemon juice
Handful of glaced cherries

Flour and ghee for greasing and dusting the cake tin.


1. Preheat the oven at 180 C. Line a 9" round.If you choose a smaller or larger tin for the cake, baking time may vary. So, adjust accordingly.

2. Shift the flour, baking powder and baking soda twice. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl whip the condensed milk and ghee. To it add the yogurt and water and beat till the mixture is creamy. Don't over mix it.

4. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture in 2-3 parts. Keep stirring while adding flour mixture.The batter will have a pouring consistency. Add the glaced cherries and stir lightly.

5. Bake at 180 C for 20 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 160 C and bake for another 20-25 minutes.

6. The cake is done when a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool for at least 15 minutes before turning the cake out of the tin. Slice and enjoy!

Catch up with you soon with some pictures and tales. Stay tuned.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

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