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Friday 12 July 2013

Food Carnival and a Cookbook giveaway – Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor

If you are a food blogger, I am sure you would love cookbooks. I too love them and have my own mini collection. However, the number of dishes I have cooked referring them is altogether a different story. Very often, I will take all of them out, flip the pages, and bookmark quite a number of recipes. The books go back to their place and I forget about the recipes. There are times when I take inspiration from the recipes I read and come up with something on my own. But, rarely do I follow a recipe to the T.

Still, I perk up at the thought of cookbooks and I know I can never have enough of them. Recently, I bought the Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor. It is a collection of 5 books and covers all food courses. From Drinks, Soups, Snacks, Starters, Main Course, Rice, Bread, Pickles, Sweets and Desserts, this collection has it all. Any food enthusiast will love the book.

So, for the first time on Jyoti’s Pages, I am hosting a giveaway and a Food Carnival. I will be giving away the Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor to a randomly chosen winner.
Food Carnival and a Cookbook giveaway – Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor
Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor

How to enter Vegetarian Library Collection by Sanjeev Kapoor giveaway

Leave a comment on this post and follow Jyoti’s Pages.

You can increase your chances of winning the giveaway by doing, one or more of the following. 

Leave a comment once you did so.

Win Sanjeev Kapoor’s Vegetarian Library Collection. Enter the #cookbook #giveaway on #JyotisPages @JyotiBabel

If you are already liked Jyoti’s Pages on Facebook, are following on Twitter and Pinterest or have subscribed to the RSS feed, just leave a comment letting me know and I will count your entries!

This giveaway is open to all. You don't have to be a blogger to win the cookbook. But, I can ship the book to addresses in India only.
The giveaway starts today and will end on 15th September 2013 and a winner will be randomly picked and announced on 16th September.

The rules for the "Food Carnival" event are simple: 
  • Blog about a recipe. It can be any course of the meal. The choice is yours and link back your post to this page. Only new entries are allowed. No archived entries, please. 
  • The event runs from 15th July to 15th September. 
  • The recipes should be vegetarian and egg free. 
  • You don’t have to send a recipe entry to enter the giveaway. However, each entry will count for the giveaway and will increase the probability of winning. 
  • Submit your entries at with the subject - Food Carnival
So, what are you waiting for... Get set go!

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Capturing the Waterfall ( Fast and Slow Shutter Speed ) ~ Mahabaleshwar for Saturday Snapshot

This week for Saturday Snapshot I am sharing pictures of a waterfall, from our recent trip to Mahabaleshwar, a small hill station in the state of Maharashtra, India

I was trying to play with different shutter speeds and loved how the camera took two different pictures of the same thing!

Mahabaleshwer Waterfall shot on fast shutter speed thereby freezing the motion of water
Fast shutter speed froze the motion of the water
Mahabaleshwer Waterfall shot on slow shutter speed thereby smoothening the motion of water
Slow shutter speed giving a smooth texture to the falling water
Enjoy the pictures for now and I will catch up with you later, with more pictures and details.

Saturday Snapshot is the brainchild by Alyce of At Home With Books. It is currently being hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mummy Reads. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Melinda's site.

Thursday 4 July 2013

My Stroke of Luck by Vijay Santhanam - A Book Review

My Stroke of Luck by Vijay Santhanam | A Book Review
My Stroke of Luck by Vijay Santhanam #BookReview
My Stroke of Luck by Vijay Santhanam is an inspirational book based on the author's real life. It shows us how despite all the adversities life throws at us, we can emerge victorious if we have the will to do so.

The tagline of this book My Stroke of Luck by Vijay Santhanam is something that catches the attention of the reader at the first look. It says -Alphabet to Author - One man's inspiring journey - from adversity to triumph. I had applied for this book on blogadda to review but had no idea what it was all about. Only when I flipped the book to read the blurb, I realized it is not a fictional piece of a story but the author's real story. In the book, the author narrates his triumphant journey of recovering from a stroke. Yes, this is what the stroke in the title of the book signifies.

The writer has given good details about his life in general to set the context of the book. At the age of 41, he was at the peak of his health and the stroke hit him hard when he least expected it. He has given details of to what extent it affected him, how he fought against it and how eventually he took the charge of his life again.

Friday 28 June 2013

Eggless Cherry Cake Recipe | How to Bake Eggless Cherry Cake | Eggless Cakes

Eggless Cherry Cake #Recipe
I made this eggless cherry cake for a trip recently and it was such a hit. Since I have not been blogging actively for a while, I thought why not break the silence with this delicious eggless cherry cake. The cherry here are the glaced cherries, and not the actual fruit.

Knock knock! Is any one there?

I would not be surprised if this space is deserted after irregular, intermittent posts and long absence. I guess I have confessed before, I am not really good at managing work, home and blogging. This threesome role takes a toll on me and of course, blogging takes a back seat. Despite my best intentions, I have not been able to blog much of late. Only the book reviews with dead lines have made it here past couple of months and that has somehow manage to keep the blog going for a while. I don't know why cooking, taking pictures and blogging about it seems like a huge task. Has anyone here passed through such a phase? I sincerely hope I am not alone.

I will not make promises here about coming back with a bang because I know not when I might disappear again. So, for all those who still care to listen, I am here, alive and well. A recent trip to a beautiful hill station has energized me and hence I am seen tracing my steps back to this space. While I share some pictures from the trip soon here, this trip also reminds me of my baking plans I had before the trip.

I wanted to bake this simple vanilla cake with condensed milk and soda for our journey and at the last moment I realized, certain vital ingredients were missing. No butter, no vanilla and no aerated drink. Well, worry not. I substituted ingredients and surprisingly the cake came out good and DH liked it better than the original one. And it was praises praises all the way!