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Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Saturday 6 July 2013

Capturing the Waterfall ( Fast and Slow Shutter Speed ) ~ Mahabaleshwar for Saturday Snapshot

This week for Saturday Snapshot I am sharing pictures of a waterfall, from our recent trip to Mahabaleshwar, a small hill station in the state of Maharashtra, India

I was trying to play with different shutter speeds and loved how the camera took two different pictures of the same thing!

Mahabaleshwer Waterfall shot on fast shutter speed thereby freezing the motion of water
Fast shutter speed froze the motion of the water
Mahabaleshwer Waterfall shot on slow shutter speed thereby smoothening the motion of water
Slow shutter speed giving a smooth texture to the falling water
Enjoy the pictures for now and I will catch up with you later, with more pictures and details.

Saturday Snapshot is the brainchild by Alyce of At Home With Books. It is currently being hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mummy Reads. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Melinda's site.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Belur Math ~ For Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

This picture was taken on my recent rather hurried trip to Kolkata. One day we visited Belur Math in the morning and it was a nice experience. While Kolkata can easily be associated with crowds, traffic and hustle bustle of life; it is a city that never stops, Belur Math is quiet and tranquil. Just the kind of place you would go for a morning walk to kick start your day. The main temple stands tall in the center of the premise, but the only thing is taking pictures is prohibited! I had clicked some pictures away from the main premise. This is one of them.

If you plan to go to Kolkata Belur Math should be a must visit place on your list. To know more about it and catch a glimpse of it please check this link.

Thank you for stopping by!Cheers!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

Today, I am sharing some pictures of Bray to GreyStones Coastal Walk (Ireland). We took this walk last saturday and it was an amazing experience. Beautiful sea cliffs bythe Irish sea, fresh sea air, lovely weather ~ what else would make a perfect weekend. The coastal walk is 8km in length and it took us more than 2 hours and we went on slowly but steadily, soaking in the views and capturing some in our cameras. Check these pictures for a virtual tour!
Just the beginning!
 A train line through the mountains!
 A bird eye view of Grey Stones. Still way to go!
Done with the cliff walk, through the country fields to GreyStone!

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!