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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Coconut Burfi ~ For Blog Hop Wednesdays ~ From Sara's Kitchen

Until a few hours back, I had no idea what day is today. That is the euphoria of India visit. Naturally I forgot about this blog hop post.

And when I remembered the Internet connection was playing prank. I am just glad that I had tried the recipe for this post some times back and now just needed to compose the post.

This week I am assigned Sara's Blog and I chose this sweet dish. I chose is specially because it is microwave version. Now, I have a very basic microwave and I generally use it only for reheating. It was fun trying a new recipe. Only think I thought was the burfis were a little too sweet, so I reduced the sugar and next time I try it I would like to add 1/2 cup of Khoya for a richer texture and taste.


2 Cup Coconut, I used dessicated. How ever, freshly dessicated will taste better.
1 cup sugar.
3/4 cup water
4 tbsp semolina.
2 tbsp ghee.
3 cardamom pods seeds powdered.

1. In a microwave safe bowl, add the water and sugar and microwave on a high for 4 minutes stirring every two minutes to make a one string consistency sugar syrup.

2. Now add rest of the ingredients and mix. Microwave it for another 6-8 minutes stirring it every 2 minutes, till the mixture looses moisture and becomes spreadable.

3. In a lined baking tray or thali spread this mixture and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. Cut it in desired shape.

4. When completely cooled take out individual burfis. Serve and enjoy.

Note: If you wish to add Khoya add it in the second step and adjust the sweetness. I will definitely try it next time.
Check out the other blog hoppers here. This event is the brain child of Radhika. Check out what other blog hoppers are up with.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Sunday 11 September 2011

Eggless Vanilla Cupcakes ~ Happy Birthday To Me!

The post title announces that it is a special day! Well, one's birthday is indeed special and I do not mind announcing it myself to the world.

I am on my India visit now and I am not really doing any blogging these days. To tell you the truth, I really do not feel like sitting in front of the computer when there is so many other things to do, friends and relatives to meet, shopping and 101 little things that time seems like flying. How ever, today is an exception. So, today I am sharing a very easy cupcake recipe. I have tried it a couple of times and I can tell you this much, this recipe is a keeper. With simple ingredients, it is so easy to make.

The best thing about cupcakes is that every body gets an individual cake and not just a piece of cake. Here I attempted to do the icing with double cream. However, it is as good without the icing. This is a basic recipe and you can add your own variations by adding choco chips, dried fruits, glace cherries etc.

Eggless Vanilla Cupcakes:

3/4 cup plain milk
11/2 tsp white vinegar
1 1/4 cups AP Flour
1 tsp baking powder.
1/2 tsp baking soda
 1/4 tsp salt.
3/4 cup powdered sugar.
1/4 cup oil.
11/2 tsp vanilla extract.

Yields 12.
1. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper. Set aside.
2. In a small bowl, combine the milk and vinegar and set aside. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix to combine.
3. In a large bowl, combine the sugar, oil and vanilla. Stir in the milk mixture. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until smooth.
4. Pour the batter evenly into the prepared tin and bake for 20 minutes. The cupcakes are ready when a tooth pick inserted at the centre comes out clean. Cool completely before frosting.

For the frosting:

250 ml double cream.
1/4 cup icing sugar or more.
1 tsp vanilla extract
a few drops of food colour, optional.
Glace cherries, a few.


1. Add all the ingredients and whip it with a beater till it get stiff peaks.
2. Fill it in a icing bag and keep it in refrigerator for half an hour.
3. When the cupcakes have completely cooled, ice the cupcakes as you like. I used a star nozzle to make stars and swirls and with a few I made butterfly cupcakes.

These cupcakes were soft and moist. Try it once and I am sure you will make them again.
Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Friday 2 September 2011

Micchami Dukkadam


“I grant forgiveness to all living beings,
All living beings grant me forgiveness.
My friendship is with all living beings,
My enmity is totally nonexistent.”

Today is the auspicious occasion of Jain Samvatsari. To tell you more about this holy Jain festival, I am quoting this information from Wikipedia.

Samvatsari is the last day of Paryushana —the eight or ten day festival of Jains. It is the holiest day of the Jain calendar. Most Jains observe a complete fast on this day. The whole day is spent in prayers and contemplation. A yearly, elaborate penitential retreat called Samvatsari pratikramana is performed on this day. After the pratikramana Jains seek forgiveness from all the creatures of the world whom they may have harmed knowingly or unknowingly by uttering the phrase— Micchami Dukkadam.

As a matter of ritual, we personally greet our friends and relatives Micchami Dukkadam.

On the auspicious occasion of Samvatsari, I ask for your forgiveness if I have hurt you knowingly or unknowingly by words or action, “Micchami Dukkadam”

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Creamy Rabri/Basundi ~ For Blog Hop Wednesdays ~ From Enveetu KItchen!

For the 3rd edition of Blog Hop Wednesday I am assigned Priya's Blog- Enveetu Kitchen. She has an amazing collection of recipes. I just love her bakes. Despite that I have chosen her recipe of Basundi for today's post. I am sure some baking posts will follow soon.

To know more about it and participate check this. This event is the brain child of Radhika.

She had very lovingly prepared it for her grand mother's anniversary. Basundi is very much like Malai Rabri which I grew up eating. My mom's recipes is almost the same except she does not add saffron. Here, I have followed Priya's recipe to the T and loved it immensely.

I had prepared this long time back, before coming to my India visit and today on seeing these pictures I am tempted to make them again soon. I have used half of the measures as given in the original recipe.


1 Litres Full Fat Milk
1/4 +2tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Almond Meal
2 tbsp Chopped Almonds
2 tbsp Chopped Pista
3 cardamom pod seeds crushed
a generous of Saffron, rubbed in 2 tbsp of milk


1. In a Heavy-bottom non stick pan, boil Milk. keep the flame on medium and boil till  it reduces to 3/4 of the volume. 
2. Stir the Milk and Scrape the Pan-Side and return it to the boiling milk. When the Milk reduces to 3/4 of its quantity, add saffron Soaked Milk to this and Sugar. 
3. Keep Stirring often and scrape the sides and stir the malai in to the milk.

4. When Milk reduces to half its quantity, add the almond meal and Chopped nuts and Stir Well. Switch off the Stove and let it cool. When cool refrigerate it. Serve chillled

I enjoyed it very much. See what other bloggers are up with for Blog Hop Wednesday!

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Orange Spritzer ~ Homemade Fanta ~ India Calling!

Finally the day is few hours away!

Some times back, I had mentioned in one of my post that I will be going to India soon and that is the day I am talking about. I am flying to India tomorrow! Yayy!

Days have been busy of late, as I had been preparing for this trip. Finishing reading books I had brought from library, returning unfinished books, shopping, preparing lists for India shopping, packing and preparing the home for DH as he will be making this trip 2 weeks later, cooking things to finish up vegetables from my pantry (and clicking them as well, watch out this space for recipes in coming days)! So, this space has been silent for a couple of days now. 

Today I have chosen to post this refreshing orange drink which I like to call Orange Spritzer, When, I served this to my DH, he said it is just like Fanta! To add a little here, we both love Fanta!

The recipe is very simple. You will need:

200ml of freshly squeezed orange juice.(About 3 oranges).
1 tbsp lemon juice.
6-8 ice cubes
3-4 tbsp sugar(as per your taste or the sweetness of the oranges)
120 ml or more chilled soda water.
Sprig of mint to decorate.

Serves 2


1. In a jar mix add orange juice,lemon juice and sugar. Stir well.
2. Add ice cubes to two tall glasses. Pour the prepared mixture.
3. Top it with chilled soda water and stir. Add a sprig of mint and serve immediately!Enjoy!

This drink is perfect for hot days. Perfect to beat the heat. Here is one glass for you!

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers. 
P.S. I will be back soon with posts from India. Till I write again, stay tuned!