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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

At the beginning of the new year, I had made a list of books I wished to read this year and I am glad I am doing quite well in that. One of them was the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer.  I had seen the movie- Twilight I and had not quite enjoyed it so much. So, I never gave a thought about reading the book until my best friend wrote to me about her love for the Twilight Series. That is what intrigued me and I brought the first book in the series, Twilight from the library. I found it in the young adult section in the library but, I think this will appeal to a much wider audience. I am glad to have read it and hope to read the other books in the series soon.

It is a 'Human-Vampire' love story like no other.

The story starts with Bella (Isabella Swan) leaving her mom's house in the sunny Phoenix for her father's place in a gloomy and small place called Forks to complete the rest of her high school. Its gloomy in Forks because it always cloudy and rainy. For Bella, good bright weather is like a dream in Forks. On top of that she has to sink into a new school with a whole lot of new friends. But, gradually, she adjusts herself in the new surroundings and even makes new friends.

Bella is by nature shy, under confident yet curious and observant. She is very intrigued by the Cullens, Edward Cullen in particular. She finds the Cullens different from the rest of the students in school. Despite Edward cold and unpredictable behaviour towards her in the first few encounters, she feels deeply attracted towards him. The very look at him sends a chill through her spine! The adjectives used to describe Edward in the novel like 'inhumanly beautiful' with 'luscious skin', a husky voice makes him instantly addictive to the readers as well.

Later in the story Bella and Edward fall in love despite the fact that they are all together different beings. They seem to deny any logic and hope that their relationship will somehow work. The story takes an interesting turn when another Vampire falls for Bella's blood and Bella has to run for her life. After several twists and turns things fall into places, But how? That's the thing to read in the novel.

The whole story is said with the perspective of Bella. The readers knows just want Bella tells and thinks. So, as the story proceeds secrets about the Cullens are unravelled one by one and that builds up the suspense in the novel as one keep thinking what more is in store. The story will keep you hooked till the end. The first half of the novel is relaxed, with vivid details about the places and characters. The second half is where all the action happens. The language used in the book is very simple and easy to understand. Meyer has depicted the feelings of teenage love very well.

If you are still intimidated about a human-vampire love story, I recommend you read this book. 

Thursday 27 January 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle | How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle from Scratch | Party Dessert Ideas

Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle is a layered dessert that can be whipped up in minutes if you have some chocolate chip cookies and fresh whipped cream at hand | Find this easy party dessert recipe at
Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle #Recipes
Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle is a layered dessert that can be whipped up in minutes if you have some chocolate chip cookies and fresh whipped cream at hand. It's simple yet delicious and when served in individual glasses, it looks quite pretty too.

Yesterday, we had a small get-together at my place. It was an occasion to bid a formal farewell to our friend T who is going back to India for good and to convey our heartfelt wishes to N, who is a to be a mother!

Our get-togethers are not just about meeting one another but also about food. It gives us an opportunity to flaunt our culinary talent :-)!

The menu was long and varied. Of course, there were contributions from all of them. We talked, ate and played, talked, ate and played and by the end of the day, we were exhausted as if we were back from a long day of tedious work. But, it was a fun day and thank you, friends, for making that happen. Before sharing anything else I will like to share the menu which goes like this:

Lemonade, Kiwi Panna,Orange Juice, Onion Bhaji, Mint flavoured potato puffs, Savoury Semolina Cake, Shakarpare, Vegetable Paneer Lasagna (At least I intended to make that, but the outcome was different, but my friends said it tasted good and I believe them!), Chocolate Cupcakes, Vanilla Cupcakes and my Chocolate-y Trifle! On top of these, there were lots of chocolates!

Well, I am sure you will say that is quite a menu and I agree. Here are some pictures too!

Now coming back to the recipe of my Chocolate-y Trifle which actually Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle. I got this recipe from my elder sister and have tried a couple of times before. My DH loved it too. So, instead of experimenting something on my friends (which I usually do), I went for the safer bet.

This is a very easy recipe and if you love chocolate, it's for you!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle is a layered dessert that can be whipped up in minutes if you have some chocolate chip cookies and fresh whipped cream at hand |Find this easy party dessert recipe at

Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle


300 ml fresh cream.
1/4 cup icing sugar or finely powdered sugar.
less than 1/2 cup of grated chocolate.
200 gm chocolate chip cookies.
4 glace cherries cut in half for decoration.

For ganache :

100 ml cream
100 gm chocolate.
1 tsp oil (optional)

The measures will vary according to the size of bowls you are using. I made them in individual small glass bowls and I got 8 servings with these measurements.


1. Put the cookies in a ziplock bag and run the rolling pin over it so that they are coarsely crushed. Keep it aside.

2. Whip the fresh cream and sugar until stiff.

3. For ganache, melt the chocolate either in a microwave or by putting in in a heatproof vessel and placing it over hot boiling water. When melted add the cream and oil if using and stirring well till everything is well incorporated. Keep it aside.

4. Now take the bowls u are using and line it first with the cookie mixture and then a layer of the whipped fresh cream. You can use an icing bag to make a layer of cream or use a spoon. Then line it with grated chocolate. Again put a cookie mixture followed by cream and top it with ganache. You can make as many layers as possible. Top it with a glaced cherry.

5. Keep it in the fridge for a day (See notes). The cookie mixture must absorb the moisture of cream and lose its crunchiness. Take it out of fridge 10 mins before serving.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifle is a layered dessert that can be whipped up in minutes if you have some chocolate chip cookies and fresh whipped cream at hand |Find this easy party dessert recipe at


1. It is always better to make it a day in advance.

2. If you are making it on the same day. Keep it in the freezer for 45 mins and then take it out for an hour. Keep it back in the fridge until needed. The temperature difference it will face will make the process faster.

3. While making the layer of cream, if the cream stick and is not spreading evenly then take a cup of hot water and dip a clean spoon into it and then smoothen the cream with it. Dip it in hot water as many times as necessary.

Here are some more chocolate dessert ideas for you to check out.

Eggless Chocolate Molten Lava Cake
Coffee and Chocolate Pudding

Sending this to Lets Celebrate Sweets-Chocolate. This event is the brain child of Nivedita.

Enjoy! Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Thursday 20 January 2011

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks is a simple yet heart rendering love story. It will make you smile and cry often. It is about the belief that true love never dies or dims, it remains with you through the thick and thins of life. I will definitely recommend reading it.

The story starts with eighty years Noah Calhoun reading out his 'Notebook' to a lady who does not remember him, in a nursing home. It is the story of his life, his love story. He does it every day, in the hope that it with stir her memory and she will remember things from the past which she seldom does these days with only a few exceptions!

As he reads out his notebook, the story flashes back to his past to October 1946. It is the time when he had recently returned from war to North Carolina. To keep himself busy and to forget the adversities of war he spends all his time restoring an old plantation house, which he has recently purchased to its old glory. Despite his best efforts, his memory often slips to a time when he had met Allie, her love, fifteen years ago. He has never been able to forget her, the summer they had spent together. He has finally learnt to content himself with the memories and thinks that he would never be able to find her. And suddenly one day she turns up!

Allie is engaged to another man, Lon Hammond-A well know man and their marriage is just three weeks away. But she realises that the memories of her long lost love has never dimmed all these years and that is what makes her go back and meet him one last time. Things that followed the meeting changes their lives.

The story does not end there, in fact it is quite the beginning of their beautiful love story. The ending is not exactly a happy or a sad one but a mixture of the too which will make you smile and cry at the same time. True love is eternal but some times memories fade away, because there is always something that is not in our hand, some circumstances in life we can't change or avoid. The love described in the story is profound. It is poignant love story that will move you deeply.

To quote from the book:

"I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I have led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me,this has always been enough."

Linking it to Nicholas Sparks reading challenge hosted by The Book Vixen

Monday 17 January 2011

Some of my sketchs!

As a child I loved drawing and sketching. But, I lost touch with it as I became more and more involved with my studies. Recently, I got inspired by a friend (her sketchs are awesome) and thought of trying my hands on it again. I sketched a couple of them recently and I am sharing two of them today..
I am glad I did some sketching after a long time!