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Showing posts with label Stephenie Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephenie Meyer. Show all posts

Friday 27 April 2012

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer ~ #4 Twilight Series

Breaking Dawn is the fourth and the last of the much acclaimed Twilight series. I am not much of a paranormal fantasy book reader. In fact, the twilight series is the only what I have read in this genre. That too, after my friend recommended it to me.

Breaking Dawn is a continuation from the last book of the series, Eclipse. The first  part of the book is all about the marriage of Bella and Edward followed by a honey moon in the lonely and far off Esme Island. It is during the honeymoon, Bella realizes there is something seriously wrong in her. It comes as a surprise to her that she is pregnant, actually very pregnant and that too in a span of time that is humanly impossible. But, then the thing growing inside her is not human. It is a culmination of vampire and human. No one knows what it would be. But, one thing is for sure, it is slowly devouring Bella inside out. This little thing growing inside her changes the equations of relationship among people around her. Friends become foes and enemies becomes friends. The relationship with Jacob takes a whole new dimension.

The author has used a lot of imagination and the story is full of twists and turn. I can't really delve into details of the story line. That is very much a thing to read in the novel.
But, I do have some issues with the story. First thing, the story by the end was neatly tied in a bow. There were no loose ends. Every one gets what they want. I don't mean I like sad endings but, to me the ending seemed too perfect to be true. That took away a lot of charm and awe I had for the series. Bella had never been my favorite character nor had been Edward. Bella had always been portrayed as a clumsy, inefficient being and after being immortalized, she is the most gifted one, as if she was born to be immortalized. In fact, I have read that the cover page of the book signifies exactly that. From being the most insignificant player, she becomes the most powerful one. The title of the book also signifies Bella's new life. My problem with Edward is that he is too good. I mean loving one is fine. But giving in to the irrational demands of your beloved is not the right thing. I loved Jacob Black's character. He was the only one who seemed to be real to me but then I lost him when he imprinted!
Also, I couldn't digest the fact that the battle with the Volturi ended without much of a combat. I wish there had been more action on the ground rather than in the mind.

Of the whole series I liked the first book most. It was a page turner for me. In the following books, there was too much of sulking on Bella's part, too much of eternal love from Edward. Only Jacob Black kept me glued to the series. I give it to the author for her incredible imagination. The story came a long way from the point it started. It had been a tumultuous journey for Bella. So, it has been for the reader. All in all it was a different experience reading the series. Good for easy and light read, nothing more.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer ~ #3 Twilight Series

Eclipse, the third book of the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer and it is by far the most interesting book of the series I have read so far- fast paced, happening and truly a page turner!

If you really want to enjoy a book in a series, you should always start from the first book of the series as the story begins there and keeps on building on it and many a times there are references in the later books of some incidents in the former books. The same is the fact with Eclipse. The story starts more or less from where it was left in the second book. With the kind of luck Bella has, danger can't be away from her for a long time. So, we find her again in mortal danger and even with the gifted abilities her vampire friends have, they are unable to find out who is the enemy in the present context. That adds to the uncertainty, thrill and suspense in the novel which keeps on building and keeps the reader glued to the book till they have turned the last page. As I said, a lot is happening in this book. Unlike the former books in the series I didn't find a dull moment. Of course, Jacob Black adds to complexities and problems in Bella's life and Bella is forever in dilemma about how she feels for him.

I know a few people who hated the 'Twilight Series' and some who loved it. I can safely say I fall in the later group. But, among the characters, I like Jacob more than others. Edward is too perfect and Bella is somewhat flawed and weak. I find Jacob's emotions more human and can relate to them better. I hope to read the next book in the series soon. I find the series entertaining, if nothing else.

You can find the review of the previous book of the series here and here.

Linking it to A2ZChallenge for Letter E.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

#25 Teaser Tuesdays ~ Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

"He was quiet as he turned the car around and headed back to Forks. I waited, wondering if he would bring it up himself. He didn't, and this made me tense."


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

Do check out Lucky Library Picks on this blog. A post for is due this Friday. If you have something, do send in. Cheers!

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

#22 Teaser Tuesdays- New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

Before sharing today's teaser, I would like to tell you about a meme I have started, Lucky Library Picks which happens every alternate Friday. Do check out the details here and see if you are interested in participating. It is very simple. Lucky Library Picks#3 is happening this Friday 16th December, do play along! Also check out Lucky Library Picks #1 and #2. Thanks.

 "I chased him back to the truck. Wait! I called as he turned towards the house. He spun around to face me, and I saw that his hands were shaking again."
Page: 270

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

At the beginning of the new year, I had made a list of books I wished to read this year and I am glad I am doing quite well in that. One of them was the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer.  I had seen the movie- Twilight I and had not quite enjoyed it so much. So, I never gave a thought about reading the book until my best friend wrote to me about her love for the Twilight Series. That is what intrigued me and I brought the first book in the series, Twilight from the library. I found it in the young adult section in the library but, I think this will appeal to a much wider audience. I am glad to have read it and hope to read the other books in the series soon.

It is a 'Human-Vampire' love story like no other.

The story starts with Bella (Isabella Swan) leaving her mom's house in the sunny Phoenix for her father's place in a gloomy and small place called Forks to complete the rest of her high school. Its gloomy in Forks because it always cloudy and rainy. For Bella, good bright weather is like a dream in Forks. On top of that she has to sink into a new school with a whole lot of new friends. But, gradually, she adjusts herself in the new surroundings and even makes new friends.

Bella is by nature shy, under confident yet curious and observant. She is very intrigued by the Cullens, Edward Cullen in particular. She finds the Cullens different from the rest of the students in school. Despite Edward cold and unpredictable behaviour towards her in the first few encounters, she feels deeply attracted towards him. The very look at him sends a chill through her spine! The adjectives used to describe Edward in the novel like 'inhumanly beautiful' with 'luscious skin', a husky voice makes him instantly addictive to the readers as well.

Later in the story Bella and Edward fall in love despite the fact that they are all together different beings. They seem to deny any logic and hope that their relationship will somehow work. The story takes an interesting turn when another Vampire falls for Bella's blood and Bella has to run for her life. After several twists and turns things fall into places, But how? That's the thing to read in the novel.

The whole story is said with the perspective of Bella. The readers knows just want Bella tells and thinks. So, as the story proceeds secrets about the Cullens are unravelled one by one and that builds up the suspense in the novel as one keep thinking what more is in store. The story will keep you hooked till the end. The first half of the novel is relaxed, with vivid details about the places and characters. The second half is where all the action happens. The language used in the book is very simple and easy to understand. Meyer has depicted the feelings of teenage love very well.

If you are still intimidated about a human-vampire love story, I recommend you read this book.