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Showing posts with label Indian Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian Recipes. Show all posts

Saturday 3 November 2012

Dal Makhani/ Makhani Dal ~ Rich and Creamy Lentil Preparation

Dal Makhani is one of the popular lentils dishes in India. It has its origin in the state of Punjab, but these days it is widely enjoyed all over India. Dal Makhani literally translates to 'Buttery Lentils' and hence it is very creamy and rich with oodles of cream and butter. If traditionally made it can take up to a day to prepare it as it needs to be cooked slowly over low heat in a tan-door  But, thanks to the pressure cookers these days, we can prepare this dish a lot quicker. I learnt this version from a friend if mine. Lets see how I make it.

Dal Makhani:

This recipe will serve 4 people.


½ cup of whole urid beans.
1/4 cup of red kidney beans (rajma)
3 large tomatoes pureed or 4 tbsp of concentrated tomato puree (I used concentrated tomato puree, as it gives a nice colour)
1 small onion chopped
2 chopped green chilies.
1 tsp grated ginger.
2 cloves garlic minced
2 tbsp oil
2 bay leaves
1 tsp cumin seeds
2-3 tbsp butter.
3-4 tbsp cream
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp red chilli powder or more to taste
2 tsp roasted cumin powder
Salt to taste.
Handful of chopped coriander and more for garnishing.


1. Soak both the beans for 5-6 hours or overnight.  Wash them thoroughly and cook them in a pressure cooker.
2. In a frying pan add 2 tbsp oil. When heated add the bay leaves, cumin seeds and chopped green chilies. Saute for a minute and then add the ginger and garlic. After 30 seconds add chopped onions and saute till the they turn golden brown.
3. Add the tomatoes puree, red chili powder, salt and cumin powder and cook for 5-7 mins. To it add the boiled beans. With the back of the spoon/spatula mash the beans a bit. Add water to get the desired consistency.
4. Now add garam masala, cream and salt. Heat for another 10-15 minutes on low heat. You can slow cook it a bit longer if you have more time.
5. Transfer in a serving bowl. Garnish it with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot with a dollop of butter with rice or roti.

Tip: Dal Makhani always tastes better if you prepare it a day in advance. It helps to develop the flavour. You can increase the measure of butter and cream if you want it richer.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 30 August 2012

Maakhanya Lassi ~ Buttery Lassi

There are many dishes that one can associate with some special memories. Some can be associated with childhood - food prepared by mom. It can make you nostalgic and flood your mind with sweet anecdotes. Some dishes can be related to events - a special sweet dish or a cake that was meant for special occasion. And some are linked with a particular place - 'nukad ka chaat wala' (road side vendor) who makes the best Papdi Chat or a particular place known for their mouthwatering kulfi.

One such dish for me is this Maakhanya Lassi,  maakhanya literally means buttery.

I brings back to me the memories of visiting Jodhpur, Rajasthan. There is a snack shop (unfortunately I don't remember the name. I will update this if I remember) which is famous for this Lassi. All day long people throng to this place to enjoy a glass or two of this cold Lassi. In summer it sells like hot cakes! 2-3 years back when I had been to Jodhpur, my FIL had taken us to this shop. One sip of the Lassi and I was in heaven. One will be tempted to buy a second glass, but let me tell you, it is very filling. Two glass of this Lassi and you can forget about lunch!

When I had prepared this butter, this Lassi was the first thing I thought of making. I tried to replicate the taste from memory, so, I am not sure if it tastes exactly same, but it is definitely near.

You will need:

2 tbsp of fresh butter at room temperature. You can also use store bought unsalted butter
1 cup yogurt
1/4 cup water or more
1cardamom, pounded
4-5 saffron strands
2 tbsp sugar, more of less, adjust to taste
4-5 ice cubes

1. Rub the saffron with a few drops of water to bring out the colour.
2. In a blender jar, add yogurt, water, saffron, cardamom, sugar, ice cubes and half of the butter.
3. Blend it for a few seconds. Pour it into a tall glass. Top it with the remaining butter and serve immediately!


1. The butter which is added while blending will be in bits and will float on top. So, you will have a buttery, creamy top layer. You can add more butter to have a thicker creamy layer if you like.
2. Add more water if you like thinner Lassi.

It tastes best when served cold.

Enjoy! Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Shyam Savera ~ Spinach and Cheese Balls in a Tomato Gravy

If you are bored of the usual paneer curries, then this curry - Shyam Savera can be a welcome change. The name literally translates to night and day as it offers. as is evident from the picture two contrast colours. Simply put, it is 'Spinach dumplings with a creamy cheese centre in a rich tomato gravy'. It is one of the favorite special curries in my household. Since, it require some time consuming preparations, it is reserved for special occasions.

I have learned preparing this dish from my MIL. However, I have tweaked the gravy recipe a bit to make a bit more spicier and creamier. If you want to try this dish please make sure you read it first fully. It will make it easier to follow the steps. Here is how I make it:


200gm Spinach
1 litre whole milk
3 tbsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp white pepper powder
2-3 tbsp corn flour
Oil for deep frying

3 large tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp grated ginger
1 green chili, slit
2 cloves
1 bay leaf
2 green cardamom pounded
1 small piece of cinnamon
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp tomato paste, optional
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 -1/2 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp garam masala
2-3 tbsp oil
2-3 tbsp cream
2-3 tbsp chopped coriander leaves


1. Heat the milk in a deep pan and bring it to boil. When it comes to boil, add the lemon juice and stir. Remove it from it and let it sit for 2 minutes. The cheese will separate from the whey. Pour the mixture through a muslin clothe lined sieve. Squeeze out all the water out of the paneer (cheese) and let it cool to room temperature.

2. Once it it cooled down completed add the salt and pepper powder and mix thoroughly to get smooth texture to the paneer. Make 12-15 same size smooth paneer balls by rolling them in your palm. Set aside.
3. Blanch the spinach leaves by pouring very hot water over it. Drain and squeeze out any excess water. This step is very important. Then chop the blanched leaves finely. Add them in a large bowl and add salt and corn flour. Divide the spinach evenly to cover each paneer ball with it.

4. Heat oil and deep fry them. Set aside.

5. To make the gravy heat oil in a pan. Add cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, cardamom and cumin seeds and let it cook for a few seconds. Add garlic, green chili and onions. Saute them on medium heat until onions are slightly brown, stirring every couple of minutes.
6. Blanch tomatoes by adding them to very hot water and peel off the skin. Chop them into pieces. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and add all the spices except  garam masala and continue cooking on medium heat onions and tomatoes mixture start leaving the sides of the pan leaving oil on the sides.
7. Now take the gravy off heat and churn it in a blender into a smooth paste. Take out all the whole spices before grinding. Put it back to the pan. Add water to get the desired consistency and cook for another couple of minutes.
8. Now add  the garam masala and stir. Cook for a few minutes and then add cream and stir. Add handful of coriander. 
9. Just before serving slit the Spinach Paneer Balls in half and place them over hot tomato gravy. Serve hot with naan, chapati or paratha. Enjoy!

Monday 16 July 2012


There are some dishes that we have grown up eating, that sometimes it doesn't seem special to be have them to eat. One such dish is the one I am sharing today. It is a Rajasthani sweet dish and it is made regularly at home by my Mom and MIL. I had never given much thought to it until recently, when I had to make it myself. It is simple and yet delicious. The gum grains puff up in ghee (clarified butter) and the resultant dish has melt in mouth texture. Don't use ghee sparingly here other wise it will be dry and will not taste nice.

I tried to Google for this recipe, but didn't get a single hit! May be it is called by different names by different people. Do let me know if you know of anything similar to this one.

Serves 2:

1/2 cup wheat flour/atta
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp ghee
2 tbsp edible gum grains
3tbsp powdered sugar
5-6 peppercorns, optional
5-6 almonds roughly chopped


1. Heat a pan and add ghee. Keep the flame on medium high and add the peppercorns and the wheat flour. Stir continuously till the colour is a shade or two darker and it emanates a nice flavor of being roasted. At this point if you feel that mixture is looking dry then add another spoonful of ghee.
2. Turn the heat on high and add the edible gum grains and stir slightly. The grains will puff up. It will take at the most 2 minutes. When all the grains have puffed up remove it from heat and let it cool.
3. Once cooled add the sugar and almonds and stir gently.
4. Serve it warm or cold. You can garnish it with thin almond slices.

Linking it to Walk Through Memory Lane . This event is the brain child of Gayathri

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Green Chutney ~ Variations~ Indian Kitchen Staples

Green Chutney/Dip is another thing that you will always find in my fridge. A must for Indian Chaats and pairs well with Indian snacks like Samosa, Paneer Tikka, Onion Bhaji, Vada Pav, Cutlets etc. The list can be endless. I had shared a recipe of this chutney in my Vada Pav post. But, I thought a separate post for this versatile chutney will be helpful for any one looking for this recipe.

You can make it in many ways and hence I have included a list of the variation right after the recipe. Let me know how you make it.

Green Chutney:

1 bunch of coriander leaves (will be about 3 cup of coriander leaves)
1 ripe tomato (optional)
2 green chillies.
1 tsp cumin seeds.
2 inch ginger piece, peeled
Salt to taste.
Lemon juice as needed.

  1. Add all the ingredients in a grinder and make a paste. Add water as little as possible.
  2. Add lemon juice to taste just before serving.
1. Add half measure of plucked fresh mint leaves and adjust seasoning for Coriander and Mint Chutney.
2. You can leave out tomato totally. Instead, 1/4th cup of chopped raw mango (when in season) for a tangier chutney.
3. You can can add 1/4 cup of chopped onion and 1-2 garlic cloves if you wish.
4. Another variation would be to add dried pomegranate seeds to it. 
5. You can also add a few tablespoons of tamarind paste.
6. Add a few pieces of fresh coconut flesh
It can be stored for weeks  in freezer without adding the lemon juice. I store it in my ice cube tray and use cubes of chutney whenever required. Once the chutney cubes are frozen, you can take them out and transfer them in a Ziploc back and refrigerate until needed. Generally, I defrost two cubes of chutney in microwave and then add lemon juice. It is ready to use.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Thursday 1 March 2012

Thandai ~ Spicy Almond Milk ~ Making Thandai Syrup From Scratch ~ Holi Special

It was only sometimes back when we were celebrating New Year and now already 2 months of the new year have passed by and March is here. One thing to look forward to in this month is the Indian festival of Holi. I had ranted a bit about it here last year. I have already geared up with a list of dishes to be prepared for this festival. 

To start off I have made this Thandai. This recipe comes from one of my favorite blogger, Rachana. I had bookmarked this recipe long back, but didn't make it till now since I didn't have the rose petal spread - gulkand, at hand. You can leave it out, but I wanted to follow the recipe to the T. So, I brought it on my last India visit. This recipe is unique from other on the web, cos Rachana gives a step by step method to make thandai syrup which last for months and once it is made, thandai can be whipped up in no time. I can safely say that I am going to make it again when my present stock of thandai syrup is over. Lets hop over tot he recipe.

Recipe Source: Veggi Fare


1/2 cup almonds, soaked overnight and blanched

Mix and soak these ingredients together overnight

2 tbsp poppy seeds
2 dried melon seeds

Soak these ingredients in ¼ cup of water and then grind it

1/2 tbsp green cardamom
3 tbsp whole black pepper 
1 tbsp fennel seeds

4 cups caster sugar
1 1/4 cup water
2-3 tbsp rose petal spread, gulkand (I used one made by my Grand Mother, you can use store bought as well)
25-30 strands saffron (Rub it in a pestle and mortar with  a few drops of water before adding to syrup for color)
1 tsp rose water
a good pinch of cardamom powder
a good pinch of pepper powder

  1. Grind together the blanched almonds, poppy seeds and melon seeds using very little water. Strain through a muslin cloth and extract all the liquid and keep aside. 
  2. Add the rose petal spread to the ground cardamom-pepper-fennel mixture and mix well. Strain through a muslin cloth and extract all the liquid and keep aside. Discard the residue.
  3. Mix both the extracted liquids and keep aside.
  4. Meanwhile add the 4 cups of sugar and 1 1/4th cup of water in a deep pan and cook until the sugar dissolves. Bring to boil and simmer for a couple of minutes. Remove from the heat and let it cool for a couple of minutes. Add the extracted liquid to it and stir.
  5. Heat it again and bring it to a boil and then turn the heat to medium and simmer for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. Remove from the heat and cool till warm and then add the saffron strands or rubbed saffron mixture, cardamom powder, pepper powder and rose water and mix well.
  7. When the thandai syrup completely cools down store it in sterilized bottle/bottles. It will keep well for months.

1. If sugar crystals are formed while cooling the Thandai Syrup, add ½ cup of boiling water to it and stir.

2. I didn't rub the saffron before adding to the syrup so, it did not give out much color, but the flavor was there.

To prepare thandai to serve 1, add 2-3 tsp of the prepared syrup to 200 ml of cold milk and whiz in a blender. Garnish it with chopped nuts. Add ice if you like and serve cold immediately.

Linking it to Holi Fest at Sizzling Tastebuds and Summer Spunk at TomatoBlues

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Friday 17 February 2012

Besan ki Puri ~ Crispy Chickpea Flour Crackers

These 'besan ki puri' is my childhood favorite. It was one of those special breakfast mom used to make once in a while and each of us used to get no more than 2. Fresh off the pan and served with a hot cup of ginger tea, it was unbelievably tasty. It keeps well for a few days, so whenever we went to Rajasthan to visit my grand parents during the winter holidays, it was made in good numbers for the train journey(from Assam it took 2 days in those day as there was no direct trains). I have made it on my own a couple of times and every time I call mom up to confirm the process and measurements. When I saw Gayathri's event -Walk through the memory lane, I thought to share this recipe.


1¼ cup whole wheat flour.
¼ cup AP flour
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt.
Water to make the dough.

For the filling:

½ cup chick pea flour (Besan).
2 tbsp dried fenugreek leaves.
2 tsp coriander seeds lightly crushed
1 tsp red chilli powder.
3- 4 tbsp oil.
1 chopped green chilli or as per taste.
½ tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp water.
1 ½ tsp salt or as per taste.
Oil for shallow frying.


1. Mix whole wheat flour, AP flour, salt, oil and knead the dough using water as necessary. Dough must be a little tough as for the puris. Let it sit for 15 mins before rolling.

2. For the filling masala, heat a pan and add the oil. When the oil is ready, add the chick pea flour and heat it for 2-3 mins such the raw smell goes away. Do not overdo it, or the mixture will become very dry.

3. Turn off the gas and add all the spices. Sprinkle a few drops of water over the mixture and using your hand rub it to mix it well. The filling mixture should be moist yet crumbly. This is very important; otherwise it will be a little problem in rolling the puris with filling inside.

4. Now knead the dough well again and make 8 Golf size balls. Using some dry flour roll it into a roti about 3cm in radius.

5. Using a spoon place 1 tbsp of masala in the middle. Join the edges and close it forming a ball.
 Roll it again about 6 cm in radius.
6. Keep a heated tava ready. Heat the roti on tava, when one side is done turn it over and heat on the other side. Brush oil in the top side and turn it over again. Brush oil on the other side as well. Apply pressure with a big spoon while heating. It will help it to become crisp.
7. Repeat the process with rest of the dough. Place the puris on a paper towel separately and let it cool completely before storing.
It is an excellent snack with tea and even goes well with yogurt. It can be stored in air tight container for at least 7 days. How ever, it does become a little soft after storing, still it is great in taste.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!