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Showing posts with label Cold Beverages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold Beverages. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Cold Coffee Recipe | Cafe Style Creamy Cold Coffee | How to Make CCD Style Cold Coffee at Home

Cold Coffee Recipe | Cafe Style Creamy Cold Coffee | How to Make CCD Style Cold Coffee at Home
Cold Coffee | Cafe Style Creamy Cold Coffee #Recipe
Creamy, frothy and super delicious, this cold coffee recipe is a must try if you are a big fan of cold coffees, just like me. I think it was during my college days in Guwahati that I came to know about cold coffees. A Cafe Coffee Day outlet had opened up in the city and it was one of the to-try places to hang out with friends.

I remember how I used to save some bucks from my pocket money every month so that I could splurge on a tall glass of cold coffee with chocolate sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It used to be a special visit, a once in a while indulgence. My love for cold coffees never diminished. Even now, I like to indulge myself at cafes whenever I am in the mood.

When I started cooking myself, I realised it was simple to make cold coffee at home. But the thing is if you want it rich and frothy, you must not count the calories. No skinny cold coffee can match the taste I am after. So, when I make it, I make it the best way, nothing less. Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Thursday 30 August 2012

Maakhanya Lassi ~ Buttery Lassi

There are many dishes that one can associate with some special memories. Some can be associated with childhood - food prepared by mom. It can make you nostalgic and flood your mind with sweet anecdotes. Some dishes can be related to events - a special sweet dish or a cake that was meant for special occasion. And some are linked with a particular place - 'nukad ka chaat wala' (road side vendor) who makes the best Papdi Chat or a particular place known for their mouthwatering kulfi.

One such dish for me is this Maakhanya Lassi,  maakhanya literally means buttery.

I brings back to me the memories of visiting Jodhpur, Rajasthan. There is a snack shop (unfortunately I don't remember the name. I will update this if I remember) which is famous for this Lassi. All day long people throng to this place to enjoy a glass or two of this cold Lassi. In summer it sells like hot cakes! 2-3 years back when I had been to Jodhpur, my FIL had taken us to this shop. One sip of the Lassi and I was in heaven. One will be tempted to buy a second glass, but let me tell you, it is very filling. Two glass of this Lassi and you can forget about lunch!

When I had prepared this butter, this Lassi was the first thing I thought of making. I tried to replicate the taste from memory, so, I am not sure if it tastes exactly same, but it is definitely near.

You will need:

2 tbsp of fresh butter at room temperature. You can also use store bought unsalted butter
1 cup yogurt
1/4 cup water or more
1cardamom, pounded
4-5 saffron strands
2 tbsp sugar, more of less, adjust to taste
4-5 ice cubes

1. Rub the saffron with a few drops of water to bring out the colour.
2. In a blender jar, add yogurt, water, saffron, cardamom, sugar, ice cubes and half of the butter.
3. Blend it for a few seconds. Pour it into a tall glass. Top it with the remaining butter and serve immediately!


1. The butter which is added while blending will be in bits and will float on top. So, you will have a buttery, creamy top layer. You can add more butter to have a thicker creamy layer if you like.
2. Add more water if you like thinner Lassi.

It tastes best when served cold.

Enjoy! Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!