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Wednesday 30 May 2012

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

double chocolate banana muffins

A simple and easy double chocolate banana muffins recipe made with whole wheat flour. Perfect with a cup of coffee. Have a ripe banana lying around, you should definitely try this recipe.

For Egg less Bakes this month Gayathri chose this Banana Muffin recipe. The recipe had eggs and all bakers had to try out the eggless version. As I have already tried a variation of banana muffin, I decided to play with the flavours. So, I added some cocoa powder and some choco chips and for a healthier option used whole wheat flour and oil. The muffins came out very moist and the flavour of banana was not very overpowering.

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins:


3/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 large banana mashed
3/8 cup sugar
4 tbsp oil
1tsp lemon juice
4 tbsp choco chips
3 tbsp yoghurt
3 tbsp water


1. Sieve all the dry ingredients and set aside. Coat the choco chips with 2 tbsp of the flour mixture.

2. Preheat the oven to 175 C. Line a six-hole muffin pan with muffin liners.

3. Make a hole in the centre of the flour mixture and add the mashed banana, oil, yoghurt and water and mix with a whisk. Add lemon juice and choco chips and stir with a spatula. The batter should not runny but of whipped cream consistency.

4. Bake at 180 C for 15-18 minutes. When done, a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.

5. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

double chocolate banana muffins

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Exotic Sunset ~ For Saturday Snapshot

For Saturday Snapshot post, I am sharing some more pictures from my holiday. I witnessed one of the exotic sunsets ever at the San Antonio Bay, Ibiza! We sat by the bay area and watched as the sky changed it's hues and colors. I clicked a lot of pictures of the sunset as I wanted to capture each and every change but here I am sharing a few of those shots.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

Friday 25 May 2012

Animal's People by Indra Sinha

I used to be a human once. So, I am told. I don't remember it myself, but people who knew me when I was small say I walked on two feet just like a human being...

Animal's People by Indra Sinha is fictional story that mirrors the horrendous Bhopal gas tragedy that happened in the mid 1980s and in a single fateful night ruined thousands of lives. The story is set in the fictional city of Khaufpur. It revolves around a boy named Animal. He calls himself so because he walks on all his fours. He had survived the night, his parents had left him at the gate of a French missionary church. But, as he grew old, his spine was seriously deformed, leaving him to walk on four limbs. Animal records the story of his life at the request of a French journalist who visits Khaufpur to prepare a document about the consequences the people of Khaufpur faced post 'That Night'.

Synopsis from the book cover:

Ever since he can remember, animal has gone on all fours, the catastrophic result of what happened on 'That Night' when, thanks to an American chemical company, the Apocalypse visited his slum. Now, not yet twenty, he leads a hand to mouth existence with his dog Jara and a crazy old nun called Ma Franci, and spends his nights wondering what is must be like to get laid.

When a young American doctor, Elli Barber, comes to town to open up a free clinic, Animal plunges into a web of intrigues, scams and plots with the unabashed aim of turning events to his own advantage.
This is the kind of novel that you won't  enjoy reading, yet would want to read. I read this novel really slow. Once I was into it, I could read it for a while but, when I set it aside, it took me days to pick it up again. That is largely because the subject matter of this novel is a tragedy and it is all pervasive throughout the novel like a lingering shadow. Also the way the novel is written didn't impress me. For one thing, I was put off my the generous use of Indian slang through out the novel and the vivid descriptions of Animal's sexual fantasies. The frequent use of French, Urdu, Hindi in the midst of English prose irritated me.

The author has done a commendable job in describing the plight of the people affected by the tragedy. But, something about the way the story is narrated doesn't make it a compelling read. I wont go over the top to recommend it to anyone but, if you are interested in reading any account of the Bhopal gas tragedy then, surely give it a read. I would give it a balanced 3/5 rating.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Back From A Refreshing Break

I have been away from this space without any notice for quite some times now. But, there were a couple of things to keep me busy. Firstly, I am just back from a nice, relaxed and refreshing holiday to Ibiza, Spain. So, you can imagine how it was, post holiday shopping, packing and now when I am back, there are a lot of laundry and household chores to deal with. Catching up with the blogging world will take another few days. I do have a few book reviews and recipes to post from the drafts. I hope they will keep this space going for a few days.

To keep this starved space going, I am just posting a few pictures from my trip. More about the trip will need another post. Till then treat your eyes with these pictures!

Playa Iletas. The beaches there were crystal clear shades of blue. I love the bright turquoise colour here.

 Ibiza Harbour. Loved the rustic ship, it reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean.

 Another scenic view on the Es Vedre tour.

 Beautiful shades of blue at Cala Bassa beach

One of the most beautiful sunset I have seen at San Antonio Bay, Ibiza.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

One Bowl Eggless Brownies

I had baked these brownies during the last weekend. It was a long weekend and hence a time for good food. I had been on a very plain diet for a long time due to my illness and now when I am feeling 100% fine, I wanted to indulge in my favorite thing - 'Chocolate'. What else is better than a brownie if you want something chocolate-y! Right, but I was not really in a mood to wash a sink full of utensils. That's when one bowl egg less brownies were born.

Long weekend also means some short trips, provided the weather is good. God must have heard my cribbing about the persistent bad weather and hence blessed us with a gorgeous sunny Saturday. We went for a day trip to Bray, a small seaside town in county Wicklow. Details about the trip will need another post but, I can't help sharing a picture of the day here.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Coming back to the brownie recipe, you will need:

One Bowl Eggless Brownies

1 1/4 cup AP Flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup sugar, powdered
1/4 cup sunflower oil
3/4 cup low fat yogurt
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 to 1/2 cup milk
3- 4 tbsp chopped nuts( Optional, I used hazelnuts)

1. In a large bowl shift the AP Flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and sugar in a large bowl. Whisk them till they are evenly mixed.
2. Preheat the oven at 180 C and grease and dust a 9x9 inch square pan.
3. Make a hole in the center of the flour mixture and add in the oil, yogurt, vanilla and half of the milk. Using a whisk or a spatula mix to form a spreadable batter. Add more milk if needed.
4. Pour the batter into the tin and spread it evenly. Bake it at 180 C for 35-40 mins. Cool it for 10 minutes before slicing.

Enjoy them warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

Linking it to ShowCase - Dessert

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Kheer Recipe | How to Make Kheer | Indian Rice Pudding Recipe

Kheer is an Indian rice milk-based pudding.It is flavoured with cardamom and saffron and is garnished with nuts. Find my kheer recipe here.
Kheer - The Indian Rice Pudding #Recipe
Kheer is an Indian rice pudding. Rice is cooked in evaporated milk. It is often flavoured with cardamom, rose water, and saffron and is garnished with nuts. It is a rich milk based Indian dessert and finds a place in the menu on most festive Indian occasions.

There are a few sweet dishes that I have grown up eating, Bread Ras Malai, Cardamom Kulfi are among them. Another frequently made sweet dish in our house was 'Kheer'. Although I love it, I don't really make it that often these days, reason being DH doesn't like it much and cooking for myself doesn't inspire me enough to make it. However, on the rare occasions, I make it, I relish the whole lot myself, and I don't mind.

Kheer can be served hot or cold. I like mine chilled with a generous sprinkling of nuts.

Linking this to Walk Through The Memory Lane event hosted by Sizzlingveggies. This event is the brainchild of Gayathri

Kheer is an Indian rice milk-based pudding.It is flavoured with cardamom and saffron and is garnished with nuts. Find my kheer recipe here.

Kheer Recipe

Serves 6


1-litre milk.
¼ cup granulated sugar.
¼ cup basmati rice (60 gm).
2 tbsp raisins
Chopped almonds and pistachios for garnishing.
½ tbsp rose water (optional).
2 cardamom pods powdered.


1. Wash and rinse the rice and soak it for half an hour.

2. Heat a pan and add milk. Keep the gas on medium-high and heat the milk till it reduces a bit.

3. When the milk comes to boil (10-12 mins) add the rice. Heat it till the rice is cooked. Keep on stirring gently so that milk does not stick on the bottom of the pan.

4.The milk will reduce by almost half. It will take another 10 minutes. Now add the sugar, raisins, cardamom powder and rose water. Heat for another 5 mins so that the sugar is totally dissolved and take it off the gas. Garnish it with chopped almonds and pistachios.

5. Serve it hot or chilled.

Kheer is an Indian rice milk-based pudding.It is flavoured with cardamom and saffron and is garnished with nuts. Find my kheer recipe here.


1. Since I used cardamom and rose water to flavour it, I didn't use saffron. You can omit the rose water and use a few strands of saffron. Soak saffron in a teaspoon of milk for a nice colour.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Cool Summer Sips - An Event Announcement

Summer is here.

How I wish I could say that! Yes, really I mean it. I guess summer has already arrived in most parts of the world but here, it is still so cold. I can't really believe it is already May and still the temperature are in single digit! I am hoping May has something better in store for us.

While I was thinking of a title for this event, I came up with this name- Cool Summer Sips (pun intended, it almost looks like we are going to have a cool summer). But, wait! That's not I am looking for. I love cool drinks, the ones that are perfect for summers - lemonade, spritzers, punch- all cold and icy like this Blueberry Lemonade or this Orange Spritzer or this Mint and Ginger Lemonade. Even icy cold Thandai is refreshing for the parched throat. How about some lip smacking cool shakes and smoothies! So, I want you to churn up some cool summery drinks so that I can at least have a virtual treat.

Here are a few rules of the event, you would like to know:

1. Prepare any cold drink that is perfect for summer.
2. Recipe has to be strict vegetarian.
3. Multiple Entries are welcome. Only fresh entries please. Archived entries are not allowed
4. Please send in your entries starting today, 1st May 2012 till on or before 30th June 2012.  EXTENDED to 30th July 2012.

5. If you are on Facebook, please like my Facebook page  You can find the widget on right column of this space.
6. Bloggers can simply link your entries in the linky tool here or mail it to me with your Name and URL of your recipe at (sethiajyoti119 AT gmail DOT com) with the subject of "Cool Summer Sips" with the following details-

Recipe Name and URL:
Picture of the dish reduced to 300px:

Non Bloggers are also welcome to send me any number of entries. Just mail me the recipe and the picture.
While the linky tool is perfect for submitting your entries, I will however do a manual roundup of the event after the event is over. I somehow feel that those round ups have a personal touch.

So, friends send in your summery sips entries! Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!