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Thursday 9 February 2012

Creamy Mint Dip for Blog Hop Wednesdays and Forgetfulness Episodes

Yesterday started with a bang and I realized it was Wednesday and not just any other Wednesday but a Blog Hop Wednesday. Usually, I compose the blog hop post well in advance, but today I was almost caught off guard. Really, for no reason I can fathom, I suddenly realized that I have not been keeping a track of what day it is? Even after I had scheduled this post for Tuesday! Well the forgetfulness episodes is not just about this but about all the other 101 things I keep forgetting everyday and particularly those things DH categorically asks me to do. 

First thing first. So, when I realized it was blog hop Wednesday, I headed off to my assigned blog (which I have visited a couple of time the past week and have read almost all her posts). But, now I was looking for something that can be prepared in a jiffy. I had already bookmarked this, this and this. Then I had thought of this, but then I didn't have the said biscuit at home. So, finally I zeroed on this recipe as it was the quickest thing possible. I whipped it up, clicked a few pics, kept the dip in the fridge and headed straight to the already appointed engagements of the day. I came back home a little late than planned and was literally starving. This dip and the tortilla chips came to my rescue and in no time, I finished off the bowl clean.

Recipe Source: Pink's Recipe Diary

Greek Yogurt 150 ml
3-4 Mint leaves finely chopped
Salt and sugar to taste
Chili flakes to taste

Note: I have used Greek Yogurt here which is thick and creamy. Instead, you can use hung curd, prepared by spreading the yogurt over muslin cloth lined over a sieve and letting the whey from the yogurt drain away.


Add everything in bowl and mix well. The dip is ready to serve. 
I had it with lightly salted Tortilla Chips

As Pinky puts it, It is a very versatile dip and can be used to spread it on sandwich and I am going to try that soon.  

Do check what other blog hoppers are up with.

I will chronicle my forgetfulness episodes in the next post as it I have ranted a lot here already. Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

#27 Teaser Tuesdays ~ Home by Manju Kapoor

 'Just look at her,'murmured her uncle, taken, as everyone must be, by the picture of the sleeping innocence. 'What gave her those nightmares? Something must have happened in your sister's house.'
 Page: 67

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer

Let me begin by saying, I loved the book.

Jeffrey Archer is a master story teller and in this book, he weaves a tale so unforgettable and as a reader you will be left yearning for more. Only Time Will Tell is a family saga that spans through generations. This the first part of a five volume series, rest of which will be published in the coming years. The main protagonist of this book is a man named Harry Clifton. Harry is introduced as a child, the son of a dock worker, who died in war. His mother is a waitress who toils hard to secure her son's future. Harry is a gifted child and this gift wins him a scholarship to an exclusive boys’ school, which in the time to come will shape his future. As he enters into adulthood, Harry finally learns how his father really died, but the awful truth only leads him to question, was he even his father?

This tale is set in 1920's and later years and the author has captured the era vividly in words. I could almost picture them in my head. The novels also touches many aspects of the social-economical environment of Great Britain at that time- the disparity between the rich and the poor, the dilemma in the minds of the people with World War II around the corner and many more. All the characters are beautifully sculpted but the one that stands out to me is Harry's mother - Maisie. She is an example of perseverance and an epitome of motherly love. It is only for her sacrifices, Harry's life had been different from his father's or uncle's. However, she feels her one thoughtless action has jeopardizes so many lives. If it was not for her, this story would not be written. Mr. Tar is another unforgettable character. He plays a big role in shaping Harry future and to Harry, he was a fatherly figure whom he could turn to for advice. 

The narration in the story shifts through each of the main characters and hence the reader knows the story from various perspective. It makes the story even more engaging. But, the ending of the novel took me for a surprise and I nearly gasped! Needless to say I am really looking forward to the next book in the series. 
My Rating: 4/5

Linking it to A2ZChallenge for Letter O.
Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Friday 3 February 2012

Sweet Sesame Crackers ~ Til Papdi

 It is always good to have friends and even better if you have friends, who you can share your interests with, like cooking or reading. I am blessed to be surrounded  by like minded people and the joy doubles when I can learn new things from them. This sweet sesame crackers is something I have learned making from my friend M. She had made them and bought to one of our 'Get Togethers'. It was such a great hit and we all enjoyed munching it. M was generous enough to show me how to make it before the day ended. The ones she made for me ended the very next day and since then I have been contemplating to try it on my own.
 After much procrastination, I tried them today and they came out good. Yes, I did call her to confirm the measurement and it is simple enough for any one to give it a try. All you need is sugar, sesame seeds and a little ghee. These sesame seeds crackers are generally made during Makar Sakranti, a festival is celebrated in the month of January. But, you can enjoy munching them at any time.
1/2 cup white sesame seeds
3/8 cup sugar(basically the measure for sugar is 3/4th of sesame seeds)
1 tsp ghee for toasting
2 tbsp sesame seeds and 1 tbsp ghee for dusting and greasing.

Click here for printable version


1. Heat a pan and add ghee for toasting into it. When melted add the sesame seeds and toast for about a minute. The seeds will not change colour. Transfer the seeds into a bowl.
2. Now melt the sugar in the pan. Stir slightly. While the sugar is melting, grease your clean work top area and spread a tbsp of sesame seeds on a small area. Grease your rolling pin as well.
3. When the sugar has melted add the toasted sesame seeds and using a spatula mix mix to form a sugar - sesame lump. Using a spoon put it over the sprinkled sesame seeds work top area. Now put another tablespoon of sesame seeds over the lump and run the rolling pin over it. Try to spread it as thinly as possible and as quickly as possible as it tends to set very quickly. If at any point the dough sticks to the rolling pin grease it again quickly and try sprinkling a little more sesame seeds over the sticky part.
4. After spreading it thinly, run a knife or pizza cutter over it to cut it into pieces. Move the pieces into another plate and cool to room temperature. Store them in an air tight container.

A very good snack to much on, but it can get addictive and in my place it gets over in no time! Linking it to Lets Cook#12 Sweet Somethings
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Aloo Patakha ~ Spicy Potatoes


It was only a few days back that we were welcoming the new year and now the first month of the new year is already gone. I hope all of you are still sticking to your new year resolutions and implementing all the new plans you had in mind.

I had been trying to eat healthy as much as possible and I hope to continue the trend. When I talk of eating healthy, the first blog that comes to my mind is this. It is an amazing space with a variety of recipes and there is not a single deep fried dish. I have bookmarked and have tried a number of dishes from her space and they turned out every bit delicious! The recipe of today's post comes from there too.

Potatoes are very versatile and I make something of it very often. The day I spotted the very small variety of baby potatoes in the supermarket, I knew instantly what I had to make of them. This dish is versatile too and you can have it as a chat all by itself or as a curry with chapattis. There was a time when I didn't use garlic in my cooking because, I found the smell too overpowering and it was only slowly with time I began to appreciate the flavour it added to dishes. Still, I use it in moderation so that my dishes would have a very subtle garlic flavour. But, this one is an exception. Although I have used less garlic than stated in the original recipe, it has a predominant garlic flavour, which I actually LIKED in this dish. I have made only a few tiny changes to the original recipe, I grilled the boiled potatoes instead of baking them and I reduced the garlic and chilli to my taste and increased the tamarind. Thank you Rachana for this amazing versatile recipe.

Recipe Source: Veggi Fare

Serves 2
400 grams baby potatoes, boiled and peeled
4 tbsp - sunflower oil + to grease the baking tray
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
2 bay leaves
2 tbsp - coriander powder  
3-4tbsp - tamarind pulp
salt  to taste

To be coarsely ground together:
4 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped  
4 pieces - whole red chillies
2-3 inches of ginger
1 tbsp - cumin seeds 
little water to help in grinding

Lemon juice and loads of finely chopped coriander leaves to garnish

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C on grill mode. Grease the baking tray with a little oil. Place the potatoes and mix lightly so that the oil coats the potatoes. 
  2. Place the tray in the upper rack of preheated oven and grill until slightly golden. It took 15 minutes in mine and I tossed them around once in between so that they were grilled uniformly.
  3. Heat oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds, bay leaves and the coarsely ground paste.
  4. Saute the paste on a medium heat for a couple of minutes. Add the coriander powder and salt and cook for another 6-7 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally. 
  5. Add the baked potatoes. Mix lightly, cover the bowl and let it cook for 10 mins, stirring occasionally. 
  6. Add the tamarind pulp. cover and let cook for another couple of minutes. 
  7. Remove from the heat, but leave the pan covered. To enhance the taste and the flavours, prepare a few hours in advance.
  8. Serve at room temperature, after garnishing with the lemon juice and coriander leaves.

Linking it to Spice Your Food and Health With Spices- Cumin seeds by Tomato Blues. It is an event started by Anu, New Year, New Dish by Nupur , This Month Potato Mania by Siri and to my Event Healthy & Hearty.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!