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Showing posts with label Chit Chat. Show all posts

Thursday 14 June 2012

Updates! Updates! Updates!

Well, the title of this post was just to catch your attention. I have been missing from here for quite long so, I was not sure if you will stop by to read this.

I don't want this post to be full of excuses as to why I have been away from this space  and blogosphere for so long. Things had been busy till a few days back. After our trip to Ibiza, my in laws came to visit us for a couple of weeks. Days passed fast and what is left now is memories of great time spent with family. After they went back last Sunday, the house seemed so empty. For two days, I didn't feel like doing any thing. Slowly I am sinking back into my old routine and blogging is a part of it. So, hopefully I will be regular from now on.

There are a lot of things I want to write about here. But, I am not feeling inspired enough to put my thoughts into writing. I have not been reading much lately and although I have a dozen of recipes in my draft to keep this space going, I don't feel like posting them. May be I am suffering from blogger's block. I am sure many of you understand what I mean. Hopefully, it is just a passing thing.

While I have been away from this space, I read 2 books, Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri and The Prodigal Daughter by Jeffrey Archer. Enjoyed both of them and will post the reviews soon. Currently, I am reading Andy Leelu by B L Gautam and A Dangerous Inheritance by Alison Weir. I received book review request for both of them.

I feel guilty for not giving adequate attention to the ongoing food event in this space - Cool Summer Sips. I have received many entries but have not sent any acknowledgement mail. The credit goes to my laziness! In fact, I have not even posted one entry for my own event. That's why I am extending the event's last date by a month i.e. to 30th July. So, don't forget to send in your entries.

This much of update is all for now. I will be back tomorrow with some more. Stay tuned.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Monday 23 April 2012

Yes I know I disappeared again

Yes, I know I disappeared again. And this time it has been longer. I was sick again and this time I was down with chicken pox. Yeah, you heard me right, of all things - chicken pox. Many would say, it is something children get. Well, yes. But, I never had it as a child. So, I guess I wasn't immune and was an easy prey to it this time.

Before you ask, let me tell you, I am far better now. Motivated enough to update this blog. The blisters were not very wide spread. So, I guess I was down with a milder one. But the symptoms were annoying - fever, sore throat, back ache, lethargy and the constant desire to itch.The blister are drying up now and hopefully in a day or two, will scab off. I have been on a very bland diet for the past 10 days and have to be so for a couple of more days (so, I have been advised). A dear friend took care of cooking things for me all these days. I can't thank her enough for all the help and concern. I am grateful to God for blessing me with such good friends.

So, you can guess there hasn't been much cooking and clicking of late. Although, I have a number of drafts for recipe posts, I don't feeling like posting them. I will however post a few, if I am not cooking anything new for a few days.

Past 10 days I have rested like I have not in years. No household chores, no TV, no cooking. Only long distance calls and unlimited sleeping and a little reading when ever I felt like. I read The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. So, expect the reviews for these book soon. I have 3 other books that I am reading now Lingering Tide and other stories by Latha Vishwanathan, Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner and The Little Shadows by Marina Endicott.

Among other updates, I have been on twitter (@JyotiBabel) for sometimes now. Although, I am not much of a tweeter myself, I love to check what the world is tweeting about. Recently, I found from twitter that Instagram App for Android is out. I have seen many people sharing pictures through this app and so I signed up on Instagram instantly (as I recently got myself an Android phone). Instagram is a fun way of sharing pictures. So, if you have an iPhone or an android phone and love taking pictures, Instagram is for you. If you are already there then do check out my profile at JyotiBabel. After Pinterest(jbpages), Instagram is the thing I am hooked to.

Hopefully, this space will be active with a few book reviews for the time being. Stay tuned.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Friday 9 December 2011

Some Pictures and Some Tales

I am not very good at deciding on a title when it comes to a post where I just want to talk. Deciding on a title for a recipe or a book review is down right simple, isn't it? So, bear with this weird title for a post that has neither recipe nor book reviews but some pictures and tales.

The weather here is right now very unsettled. If you watch the weather report on national television here, you will notice that the just keep repeating a few words like, it is going to be cold and blustery with persistent rain and wind, with chancing of frost much so that I actually feel very depressed. In those moments, memories of the good sunny Indian visit comes flashing in my mind. Talking of that, I remember how I grumbled about the heat and humidity there but, definitely now the cold weather is taking its toll on me.

After coming back from my India visit, I took my time to settle down here and then got busy with the Diwali preparation. That reminds me that I didn't share pictures of my Rangoli here, which I am doing right now because, we all know 'Its better late than never'. I searched the net for a Ganesha Rangoli and decided on the simplest design and I did it with rice. I was happy with my amateur design and was actually over the top when my DH said it came out nice. I must say that praises doesn't come from that way often.

Now coming to the tale part of the post. I had told you about our Puri visit in this post. It so happened that we went to the famous Jagannath temple there. We are Jain by religion but that is no hindrance to our paying a visit to temples to pay our homage. I had been there last year as well. Since, Puri is just a over night train journey, it is very convenient for us to go there for a short trip. We knew what we would face if we went there in the morning, the temple is usually very crowded in the morning, so we decided to go there in the evening when the rush is relatively less.

We bought 'prasad' to offer to the deities which were available to buy in the temple premises and went inside. As expected we were surrounded by a number of 'pandas', the so called priests who pestered us to come with them so that they could help us in our 'puja'(prayers). We decided not to hire one and went inside. There were priests inside who would take our 'prasad' and offer it to the deities and bring it back. That was where the unexpected happened. The priest would not take our prasad if we did not put money in it! We do prefer to make our offering through the donation box. After much nagging, my husband parted with a fifty rupees note, which for the priest, was not sufficient and he asked for more as there we two of us to make the offering. My DH was reluctant and some what irritated and angry with the demand and did not give in. It was then another priest came in and said that he would do it. And you know what, that fifty rupees went into his pocket.

That was not the end of it.

Then we went around the temple and came across a sacred tree. It is said that if you sit underneath it and and wish for something and then tie a thread to it, you wish will be granted. Like most people we wanted to do it. But when we went closer we found that there was a make shift place there where a priest was sitting. We went ahead sat there and as soon as we went ahead to take a thread from the pile, the priest said, it is Rs 100 per thread. Now, this was too much and we decided not to do it, not because that sum was too much for us, but because they had made a business of the sacred temple and it was this practice that we did not want to support. As we were making our way back, I could hear the priest saying that if you want to make a wish you have to pay it!

I personally feel such practices in temples are actually make a joke of the sacred shrine and I do not see that things are really going to change with most people ready to give in such demands to avoid the wrath of the priests. Have you ever come across such situations?

I remember talking about the nephew- Pranay too in my post here. Here are a few more pictures. Like most kids he enjoys his time in the bath doing, chabal, chabal (his words for splashing water).

I pampered him a lot with chocolates. My sis was really angry about that and threatened to do the same with my kid (when I have one, she will have to wait for her sweet revenge). I think there is no other better way to make friends with kids other them offering them chocolates. 

It so happened that one day me and my sis and the kid went to a tailor. While she went inside his shop, I waited outside with Pranay. He was getting uncontrollable, since his mother was paying more attention to the tailor than him and subsided only when I offered to buy him chocolates. I took him to a near by store to buy him a candy. But, no! He had already set his eyes on a big Dairy Milk Celebration Pack and wouldn't budge an inch without it. And I had to buy it for him. No doubt my sis was furious! That was not all, he teared the packet and stuffed all the chocolates into his pocket. Guess what, he knew his mother well!

You can see he has long tresses and now it is all one, as he is done with his 'mundan' ceremony. These pictures are about 2 months old and he now has a grass like hairs. But, I loved his previous look.

Doesn't he look like Junior Dakku Kalia! But, look at that smile.. After shedding a few tears when his head was shaved off, he was back to normal. I wish I could be so care free too!

So, this is all for today. I am finished with 'The Girl who Kicked The Hornets' Nest' By Steig Larsson. Stay tuned for the review. Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Quotable Quotes from an old diary and Hobbies!

Did you persue different hobbies as a child? Have your hobbies changed over the years?

Mine has.

Some of interest have remained the same, some have developed further and some are quite forgotten. Reading is one of my many hobbies that has developed over the years and others have changed a lot with time. Apart from reading books, drawing and sketching is another thing I still do sometimes even today. One of my first serious hobbies was gardening, but it was gone by the time I reached 10th standard. I was neck deep into my studies and did not even realise when I had stopped tendering my little terrace garden. I still desire to do a bit of gardening but now I don't  have the space in my apartment.

Then, I took interest in stamp collection. I was inspired from younger brother and maternal uncle. But, soon there were competition and quarrels! What can you expect when kids in the same house are after the same thing. Well, I gave up and my brother inherited what ever little I had.

Listening to music was also an interest and is still there. But, I never call it a hobby.These days I have taken to cooking and baking, it was something I had never dreamt I would be interested in.  Another of my unsusal hobby was to collect quotations. That, I think was more prominent when I was in college. I loved collected quotes on different subjects - inspirational ones topped the list. When ever I found one either in a book or a magazine, I would just jot it down in my diary. But, this interest was also short lived.

Well! You must be thinking why am I talking about all this now. Actually, I happened to open my old diary today and found so many nice quotes, that I thought of sharing it here. Some are profound and some are plain 'gyaan ki baatien'.

Here are a few ~

" I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives in. I like to see a man so live that his place is proud of him".

-Abraham Lincoln

"To err is human, but to repeat the same mistake is foolishness."

- Unknown

" I am not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for Perfection is God's business"

- Micheal J Fox.

" Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labours is an amazing variety of imperfectness. We are surprised at our own versatality in being able to fail in so many different ways."

-Samuel McChord Crothers.

This one I have always found my intriguing, but I think I have never been able to actually understand what it means!

" The knowledge that you can have is inexhaustible... The knowledge that you cannot have is of the riddles of birth and death, of our future destiny and the purpose of God. Here there is no knowledge, but illusions that restricts freedom and limit hope. Accept the mystery behind knowledge; it is not darkness but shadow."


Do share your thoughts and your hobbies and if they have chaged over the years. It will be fun to know how things change with time.

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Another Sketch and some pictures!!

This space has been silent for a few days now as I didn't really have an book review or a recipe to post. I haven't picked up a new book(as I haven't finished the last ones) so I am skipping the Teaser Tuesday this week.

I have been seeing such beautiful paintings and art work on Bhargavi's Blog and was tempted to post one of my little sketching. If you have seen them yet just check it now.

Well, this little sketch isn't really a good work. But, I just wanted to post something ;-)!

Well, if this black and white sketch isn't looking that impressing then, here are some colourful ones for you!Last weekend was a long bank holiday weekend and the weather was nice and pleasant. So, we had been to the National Botanical Gardens here. I got to take a lot of pictures and here are a few pictures.

This one is my favourite! I have not seen Tulips of this variety before!

I love this one too! Isn't it colourful!

And last one!
 I will be posting a few more beautiful pictures tommorow for Wordless Wednesday. Till then take care! Thanks for stopping by! Cheers

Monday 4 April 2011

A Salute to 'The Men in Blue!'

Words cannot define the joy and excitement the whole of India experienced on the 2nd of April 2011 when the Indian Cricket team led by MS Dhoni won the Cricket World Cup 2011.

Photo from:
After a nerve wrecking final match with Sri Lanka, India won the cricket world cup for the second time after 28 years.

Well, I did not see the whole match and satisfied myself with the high lights. The intensity of the match get on my nerves and I get all tensed up. I just wonder how all these guys cope with the pressure and keep their mind focussed in the game. I remember hearing MS Dhoni saying this in an interview ~ 'If you feel this as a pressure job, you will feel yourself inside a pressure cooker.'

Well, I am sure it is and can't imagine how it must be to take the pressure of the expectations of a 'cricket crazy' nation. But, like every Indian I prayed and prayed for the win. Well, God would have had a tough time if he had to turn down the prayers of 1.2 billion Indians.

News channels and newspaper have been flooded with the news of the world cup win and there are celebration everywhere.

I feel so proud myself being an Indian and salute to 'The Men in Blue' for making the long cherished dream come true and for the joy and happiness they have brought to the whole of the nation.