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Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts

Friday 27 April 2012

Egg less Vanilla Cake (With Condensed Milk and Coke)

It has been a while since I shared a cake recipe here. I do bake often but not all get posted here. I had clicked these pictures quite a while back. Only now it is making its way to this space. When ever I have a cake craving, it is usually for chocolate cake or a brownie. But, DH loves plain vanilla cake. So, when ever he requests me for a cake, it is plain vanilla only. Anything else should come with an icing.

I make the plain vanilla cake in a couple of ways, sometimes with yogurt, sometimes with vinegar. But, my favorite way is with condensed milk. So, if I have condensed milk can at home, I go this way.
There are many recipes floating around the web for a cake with condensed milk. Even, I remember my mom making  cakes with condensed milk. I can say it is the most traditional way of making egg less cakes. For the liquid content of the cake, I like to use coke or soda water. It really makes a difference to the texture of the cake. However, it can be replaced by milk or water if you don't have aerated cold drink at hand.

Eggless Vanilla Cake (With condensed milk and coke)

11/2 cup AP Flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup soft butter
1 tin sweetened condensed milk (400gm)
2/3 cup coca cola at room temperature.
2 tsp vanilla extract

Butter and flour for greasing and dusting the pan


1. Preheat the oven at 180 C. Line a 9" square tin. Please note that baking time may vary if you choose a smaller or larger tin. So, adjust accordingly.

2. Shift the flour, baking powder and baking soda twice. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl whip the condensed milk and butter till the mixture is creamy.

4. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture in 2-3 parts. Keep stirring while adding flour mixture. Add the coke in the end and whisk for another 2 minutes. The batter will have a pouring consistency.

5. Pour the batter in the prepared tin and bake it in the preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180 C. Then lower the temperature to 160 C and bake for another 25- 30 minutes.

6. The cake is done when a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool for at least 15 minutes before turning the cake out of the tin. Slice and enjoy!

1. Add the aerated drink at the end only and be fast in pouring it into the greased pan and get baking.
2. Aerated drink can be replaced by room temperature milk or water. But, I find aerated drink gives a lighter texture to the cake.
3. If you are using a smaller pan, it make take longer to bake it. Similarly, if using a larger pan, it will get baked quicker. So, adjust accordingly and keep an eye.

Linking it to Bake Fest #6. This event is the brain child of Vardhini.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Chocolate Cornets

For Egg less Bakes this month Gayathri chose this Chocolate Cornet recipe. The recipe had eggs and all bakers had to try out the egg less version. The cornet is made of bread dough and is filled with chocolate custard. For the dough, I substituted eggs with a mixture of yogurt and milk and for the chocolate custard I used corn flour.

These Chocolate Cornets will be great for kids. I filled four of them with chocolate custard and rest with a savoury samosa filling. However, I am giving the measurement of custard need for 12 cornets here. Baking them was fun. though it seemed a lengthy process as I had to make the cornet's molds from scratch.

Recipe Source:  CookingWith Dog

Makes 12 Cornets:

For the dough:
300gm flour +1/4 cup flour for dusting
1 tbsp milk powder
2tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
7 gm Instant Yeast
140ml warm Water
2 tbsp yogurt
2 tbsp milk
30 gm butter

For The Chocolate Custard:
350 ml silk
¼ cup sugar
2 tbsp corn starch
3/8 cup chopped chocolate (I used a combination of dark and milk chocolate)
1 tsp vanilla extract

For The Cornet molds:
Please refer tothis video to check how to make them

For The Bread Cone:

1.  In a bowl, mix flour, salt, and milk powder. In lukewarm water add the sugar and then sprinkle yeast over it and let it sit for 5 minutes to rise.
2. Make a whole in the flour mixture and add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture. Add yogurt and milk and prepare soft dough.
3. Knead the dough for 5 minutes and then flatten it on the counter dusted with flour. Place the chopped pieces of butter in the middle and cover it with the dough.
4. The dough will be very sticky at this point, use extra flour and knead it for another 5-7minutes until the butter is well incorporated and the dough becomes soft and elastic.
5. Place the dough in a large greased bowl and cover with a plastic wrap.
6. Keep it in a warm place to rise till it is double in volume.
7. When well risen, punch the air out of it and divide it into 12 equal portions.
8. Roll each portion into a ball and keep it covered on the counter for 15 minutes.
9. Grease the cornet molds with butter
10. Flatter each ball and shape them into a long rope such that it is thin at edges and thicker in the middle.
11. Wrap it around the cornet molds. Start from the bottom to the top of the mold and then pinch the end of the rope to close it.
12. Place the prepared cornets on a greased tray and allow it to rise for 15-20minutess.

13. Preheat oven to 200C and bake the cornets for 10-12 minutes. When done place them on a wire rack to cool. Unmold the cornet and store cornets in an airtight box until needed.

Chocolate Custard: 
I prepared the custard in microwave.


  1. Place the chopped chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and heat it in the microwave till it is melted. It will take 2 minutes.
  2. Mix the corn starch, sugar in a large microwave safe bowl and add in the milk. Whisk to remove any lump. Microwave it for 2 minutes. Whisk again. Add the melted chocolate and vanilla essence. Whisk. Microwave it again for 3-5 minutes whisking after every 1 minute.
  3. The custard is done the mixture comes thick and creamy. Time may vary from microwave to microwave. So, keep an eye on the process.

Assembling the Chocolate Cornets:

1. Fill the custard in a zip lock bag and make a small hole at one of the edges.
2. Place the tip inside the cornet and squeeze the bag to fill the cornet with the custard.
3. Repeat the same with other cornets. Serve with tea or coffee. Enjoy!

Linking it to Yeast Spotting

Friday 16 March 2012

Baked Crispy Onion Rings

 For Blog Hop Wednesday this month, I am paired with Harini of Tamalapaku and among all the variety of dishes that are there on her blog, I chose these Baked Crispy Onion Rings. To know more about Blog Hop Wednesdays check this. To see what other blog hoppers are up with see this.

1 Large Onion sliced in rings. I used the white variety.

For the coating batter
2-3 tbsp AP Flour
1 tsp corn flour
A generous pinch of salt
1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup water

For coating the onion rings
Bread Crumbs, as needed (I used 2 multigrain bread slices, toasted them and churned them to crumbs)
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp Italian dried mixed herbs

1. Preheat the oven at 200-220 C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Mix all the ingredients for making the batter and add water and whisk till there is no lump.
3. Mix the bread crumbs, seasoning and oil and rub with your fingers.
4. Dip a onion ring in the batter and then coat it with the crumbs and place them in the lined baking tray. Do the same with all the onion rings.
5. Bake them for 15 minutes, turning them once after 7-8 minutes to ensure they are uniformly crisp.
6. Serve with tomato ketchup or sweet chili sauce or enjoy with a cup of tea.

1. I used multigrain bread crumbs as I had them at hand. But, I think using regular bread crumbs will be better for taste.
2. Instead of bread crumbs, I think coarse semolina should also work fine.
3. Do not slice the onion too think or they will burn while baking.

Only disadvantage of this recipe is that, one has to be patient while making them. It is simple enough but baking the rings is time consuming. But, on the brighter side, they are really low fat and you don't have to worry about having eaten too much of them.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Friday 2 March 2012

Eggless Coconut Cake

Egg less Bakes is a group started by Gayathri and for the first edition she chose a egg based coconut cake recipe. All the participants had to try out an egg less version and post it on their blog on a specified date. To know more about it and participate, check this.

I have made a lot of changes to the original recipe. I have halved the recipe and have substituted half of the flour with whole wheat flour, butter with oil and have used a combination of yogurt, baking soda and coconut milk to substitute the eggs. Lets hop to the recipe to see how I have made it.


1/2 cup AP Flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp caster sugar
1/2 dessicated coconut
1/4 cup yogurt
1/4 cup oil
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla essence


1. Preheat the oven at 175 C and grease and dust a 7" square pan.
2. In a large bowl sieve the flours, baking powder, baking soda.
3. Add sugar and dessicated coconut and whisk such that the mixture is uniform.
4. Make a hole at the centre of the mixture and add all the wet ingredients one by one and whisk till the batter is well incorporated. Do not over beat. The batter consistency is on the thicker side, yet of pouring consistency.
5. Bake it at 175 C for 35- 40 minutes till a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
6. When baked, let it sit over 15 minutes and then invert it on a wire rack. When it cools completely slice and serve.

The cake had a slight crust, but was soft inside. The coconut flavour was good although freshly grated coconut will give a more prominent flavour. All in all I am satisfied with the results as far as texture is concerned. But the cake was a little less sweet and the coconut flavour was not as prominent as I would have liked. So next time I make it I would like to use 1 cup of freshly grated coconut and increase the sugar to 3/4 cup.

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!