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Monday 31 August 2020

When You Change The Way You Look at Things, the Things You Look at Change #MondayMusings

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

I have been meaning to write a post about living in the pandemic times since long. In fact, this post was lying half-written in my drafts for over a month now. The thing is when you are leading a quarantine life, things seem to move rather slowly (at least so has the case been with me). It has been more than 5 months since our normal lives were replaced by the lockdown/quarantine life. While we are living safe and sound (*conditions apply) within the comforts of our homes, but life is not the same as before. Like most of us, I prepped myself mentally with the mantra - this too shall pass and for the most part, I like to believe that I did fine. There were some days in between when despair and anxiety would take hold and I would step back and just breathe and let things be.

When the days seem difficult I keep reminding myself of the privileges I have and how despite everything that 2020 has brought to us, life has treated us well enough. The past month has been a little difficult in comparison to the previous ones. The exhaustion from repeating the same routine, managing everything around the house on my own while trying to continue with my freelance work and spending quality time with the kid, etc., finally seems to be taking a toll. When you are living in the house 24*7 you tend to absorb the energy of the people around more - be it the kid who wonders why we do not go out and play in the park often or the man of the house who seem to be exhausted following the work from home routine with little respite.

For the introvert me, my quiet time is very important for my own sanity and now it seems to me I have not had it for a while now. Of late, every task around the house has started to seem like a chore and I am dreaming of a day when I wake up with no to-do list. That's why I decided it was about time I faced it upfront and changed the way I look at things. So here I am trying to bring in a change of perspective, hoping it will make me feel better.

This space of mine has been deserted for months now and it too needs an update; what can be better than to record the good things I have done in the trying pandemic times. These are things I am grateful for, for it helped me keep my sanity intact; these are things that I had been meaning to do in a long time but never found the time. And the first one of them is doodle art. It is one of the first things I indulged myself in when the pandemic began.

I had got myself a set of fine liner pens months ago with the sole intention of using it for my journal, but never got around using it much. So, when we were forced to be inside our house, their time had finally come. I am sharing a few pictures of how I began and a couple of my recent ink drawings. I can see the progress I made with time and practice and that itself feels like an achievement. Do have a look and leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Linking this post to Corrine's MondayMusings 

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Thanks for stopping by! Cheers.


  1. The drawings are beautiful Jyothi. For me too, daily chores look boring and a long outdoor vacation will help, don't know when it is.

  2. I can empathize with you wanting 'me-time' and how it can get so frustrating when you don't get it. I'm glad you found such a beautifully creative outlet, Jyothi. Glad to see you back here and thanks for joining #MondayMusings.

  3. Those line drawings are beautiful and I so understand what you're saying about isolation and the pandemic. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief to stop our busy-ness and stay home, but as the months have gone by, it's become a bit wearying and I think we all just want our normal lives back again. Focusing on the positives is definitely the way to ride this out and I'm so grateful for where I live and the way they've managed to keep COVID numbers low - my heart goes out to those who are dealing with the continued spread of this awful virus.

  4. Hi Jyoti, I came over from #MondayMusings and it was so lovely finding pictures of your drawings. I think they're beautiful. They very cleverly take something simple, like a flower, but somehow show it as something that can be seen in so many different ways. It definitely helped me think about new perspectives which are very refreshing. Thank you!


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