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Showing posts with label pandemic diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pandemic diary. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Floral Mandala ~ Putting Ideas to Practice ~ Not So Wordless Wednesday

Spending time mindfully on social media needs a lot of discipline. Do you agree?

How many of you have saved ideas about things on Pinterest and never got around to rechecking them?

I tell you there was a time when I would save ideas about all sort of cake recipes, icing, decorations, etc., that my Pinterest feed would be so full of the sugary cakes. Then came different phases when I would look up words, quotes, parenting, kid's activities, and most recently, art ideas. I think of all the ideas I have saved there, only a tiny part of it has been actually put to any use. A visual platform like Pinterest is so full of exciting ideas that it is so easy to get lost, and if you are not disciplined enough, you could end up wasting some productive hours. If you are wondering why I am in this rant mode, well, because I have been there and have eventually learnt to use the platform mindfully.

Monday 31 August 2020

When You Change The Way You Look at Things, the Things You Look at Change #MondayMusings

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

I have been meaning to write a post about living in the pandemic times since long. In fact, this post was lying half-written in my drafts for over a month now. The thing is when you are leading a quarantine life, things seem to move rather slowly (at least so has the case been with me). It has been more than 5 months since our normal lives were replaced by the lockdown/quarantine life. While we are living safe and sound (*conditions apply) within the comforts of our homes, but life is not the same as before. Like most of us, I prepped myself mentally with the mantra - this too shall pass and for the most part, I like to believe that I did fine. There were some days in between when despair and anxiety would take hold and I would step back and just breathe and let things be.