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Tuesday 19 June 2018

Eggless Strawberry Jam Muffins Recipe | How to Bake Strawberry Jam Muffins | Eggless Bakes

Eggless Strawberry Jam Muffins #Recipe
These eggless strawberry jam muffins are one of the easiest things to bake. If you like to enjoy the flavour of strawberries, even after the season is long gone, this is one way - use good quality strawberry jam for making these for best taste.

My life has been doldrums past few days. Both my maids are on extended leave and I am just managing to keep my sane doing all the household chores and managing my super active toddler. I am just so thankful that school are open now and that I have at least 2 hours in a day when I do not have to multi-task. One of the consequences of my maidless life is that my blog has suffered from lack of attention. This recipe for strawberry jam muffins which I had to post before 15th of this month is finally seeing the light of the day today.

This recipe is a part of the Recipe Swap Challenge where I was partnered with Priya who blogs at Priya's Versatile Recipes. Choosing one recipe from her blog is a challenge in itself - she perhaps has more than 1000 recipes posted on the blog. But, finally, I settled for these Blueberry Jam Muffins as I was in a mood to bake something and I had some strawberry jam that needed to be used. It is a simple fuss-free recipe that is almost failproof. Try it and I am sure, you will not be disappointed.

Interested in checking out something else as well, these recipes might interest you:

Strawberry Banana Muffins
Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

I was in such a hurry to click these pics that I didn't really bother about cutting the muffins into halves to show you that it has a strawberry jam centre. It's there. Trust me. When you take a bite of these muffins, you will surely know.

If you ever try this recipe, do share your feedback and photos with me on my Facebook Page, Twitter Handle or tag me on Instagram @jyotibabel using the hashtag #jyotispages

Eggless Strawberry Jam Muffins
Makes 8 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Baking: 20-25 minutes


1 cup maida/all-purpose flour
¼ cup Sugar
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
A pinch of salt
½ cup whisked yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla
¼ cup oil
3 tbsp milk
8 tsp strawberry jam


1.       Preheat the oven to 180C. Either line an 8 large hole muffin tray with muffin papers or grease little cake tins and dust it with flour.
2.       In a bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
3.       In another bowl the sugar and add in the whisked yoghurt, milk, oil, vanilla and mix well.
4.       Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, whisk lightly. Don’t overmix the batter.
5.       Spoon the batter to the prepared tin halfway through. Add a teaspoon of the jam into half-filled batter, top it with little more muffin batter till it is 3/4th full.
6.       Bake it in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
7.       Transfer to wire rack and cool it. Let it cool completely before devouring it.  Enjoy!

If you are on social media, take a minute to follow me there for all sorts of recipe updates. 


  1. These cute strawberry jam muffins are so inviting Jyoti. Love those beautiful muffin moulds. Awesome share !

  2. Jam filled muffins looks drool yummy. Drool worthy share.

  3. These strawberry jam muffins looking super cute and I am sure it tasted so delicious. I think maid is one of the big issue in India 😁

  4. Jyoti, no matter how late you posted it, I am so in love with these muffins! So dont fret for the delay and I am so glad you participated with this gorgeous choice of recipe from Priya's blog. Life can be hectic with no help and a toddler and totally imagine your situation. The muffins look amazing and I would love to try it out someday.

  5. Loved those muffins and loved your mould

  6. Fuss free and fail proof way to deliciousness. What more can one ask for? :)

  7. The eggless strawberry jam muffins sound so delicious ! Would love to give them a try sometime as I have a homemade strawberry jam lying in my refrigerator.Thanks for the share !

  8. Love the heart shaped molds. I normally don't add jam to muffins, its a great idea especially when you want a fruity taste and don't get that fruit.

  9. Awesome bake Jyoti!Love the recipe!

  10. Jam muffins looks really cute and very tempting !! Bookmarking to try soon :)

  11. So sympathize with your maid-less state. I know what you mean even thought I have no toddlers.
    I love these muffins I have made them in the past and they are amazing.

  12. I love a good jam muffin. This looks a good bake. Even i am in mood to bake by my oven has broken down. Hope to bake soon. Love your recipe selection😍


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