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Saturday 18 August 2012

Powerscourt Gardens Pictures ~ For Saturday Snapshot

This week for Saturday Snapshot I am sharing a few pictures from our visit to Powerscourt Gardens last week. I will elaborate about the trip later, for now enjoy the pictures. I had shared a few pictures of Roses from the Rose Garden there for Wordless Wednesday. Do check them as well!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books. It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

 On the way..
 Lake at the Italian Garden..
 Dolphin pond..
 Lovely Lotus!
Italian Garden

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!


  1. wow some lovely set of pictures. What lush greenery!

  2. Isn't that beautiful - you must have had an amazing time. We've been on a trip as well, to Cumbria, and my Snapshots were taken at a mysterious 4,000-year-old stone circle

  3. Gorgeous photos! Love the varieations on a theme, of green!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a gorgeous place. I always love seeing waterlillies or lotus.

  5. Great pics - I want to drive down that road in the first one... the trees are beautiful!

  6. That lake looks very verdant....greenery cropping up? The Italian Garden looks lovely. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  7. Gorgeous landscapes. What a lovely place to spend the day.

  8. The settings for all of those are beautiful! I especially like the lighting in the trees in the first shot.

  9. A beautiful setting and the garden is lovely too.

  10. Last time I visited Ireland, my family was raving about Powerscourt and recommending it for a visit - unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to make it during my last visit but your photos have convinced me that I must next time!


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