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Wednesday 29 August 2012

Jyoti's Pages on 'Scene of the Blog' and other Books update

Have you ever wondered about the work space area of bloggers around the world?

Ever wondered how their creative corners look like, where they sit and churn out beautiful posts..

Cathy of Kittling Books was intrigued by this question which led her to start a meme -Scene of the Blog where every Wednesday, she features a blogger from any part of the world to share their scene of blog.

This Wednesday, my space is being featured in Cathy's Scene of the Blog series. Wondering how my creative space looks like, go check this out.

Coming back to the books update, about two months back I had made a list of books I wished to read before my India visit in September. Well, in a line I can say that was an ambitious list, These are the books from the list that I have read:

My Friend Jesus Christ by Lars Husum
1Q84 Book 1 & 2 by Haruki Murakami
A Dangerous Inheritance by Alison Weir
Prince of Ayodhya by Ashok K. Banker
Ninepins by Rosy Thornton
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

Apart from this I also read Skid Marks of Logic by Divya Diana Dias and 1Q84 Book 3 by Haruki Murakami

I will read the rest of the books from the list after coming back from my India visit. To tell you the truth, I don't really feel like reading a book now. Give it to my excitement of visiting my home country and meeting family and friends or to the numerous chores I have to do before that, I am unable to concentrate on reading anything. So, I am giving my books a rest while I deal with other things in life.

By the way any books you would like to suggest to pick up in India. Suggestions welcome.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!


  1. I found you from Scene of the Blog and have to say your blog is beautiful!

  2. That was a very beautiful corner.. very calm and peaceful.. And a nice array of books too.. we just bought a flat ourselves.. so i am kinda tied with everything.. I try my best to read books, but blog hopping is some thing I dont have much time at my hands.. but it was nice to see your blog after a very long time..

    I bought a book recently called Chowringee by sankar.. I heard it is a very good book, though i havent started reading it yet..

    1. Good to hear from you after a long time.. Congrats for the new home.. I am sure it will keep you occupied for a while.. Will check out the book

  3. Stopping by courtesy of Cathy of Kittling Books. I like your digs! They look like comfy quarters to read and blog.

    I like books and I like food so I can see myself stopping by your book blog very, very often!


  4. @ Bermuda Union & Howard: Thank you for stopping by here! Hope to see you often!


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