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Friday 10 February 2012

Lucky Library Picks # 7

Today is Lucky Library Picks Friday and I am up with my Lucky Picks. As I already have a number of books to be read from the library, I didn't want to pick too many books again, even though I was very much tempted to.  So, I have picked up only one book, The Help by Katherine Stockett.

 Visit any book store these day, this book is promptly displayed everywhere. I have heard great reviews about it and hence couldn't help picking it up. I didn't see the movie only because, I wanted to read this book. I am really looking forward to it.


  1. Have been thinking about reading it too after i saw the trailer :) let me know how it is!

  2. My daughter has recommended this highly and I plan to read it for the letter H for the challenge I am participating in this year.


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