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Monday 1 January 2018

My New Year Resolutions for 2018 #MondayMusings

My New Year Resolutions 2018 - www.jyotibabel,com
My New Year Resolutions 2018

At the very outset, let me wish you all a very Happy New Year 2018.

Every year we make a brand new beginning as the new year sets in. Everyone makes tall promises to change at the brink of New Year, but soon the reality of it dawns. Only calendar changes, not the person. I have never documented my New Year resolutions on this blog, in all these years, so I thought to do it differently this year.

"For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
---- T. S. ELLIOT

I do have a longish list of things I want to accomplish in the year 2018. Some of these are things I am already working on, and there are also some new projects I want to undertake. But, today I will share with you the 3 most important things to focus on this year.

So, how am I going to make it work for me?

I have always done things better when I have written them down, hence the idea to post it here. Writing things down works for me because it gives me a chance to remind myself of my goals, it pushes me to get things done, and also gives me the opportunity to recheck and reassess when needed. The only way to make it work in the long term is by making myself accountable for it. Don't you agree?

So, let's get started with my New Year Resolutions 2018.


This is the number one area of focus in most new year resolution lists. Mine is no different.

There are many things that I need to change in my daily routine to move towards a healthier lifestyle. I have made efforts in this area this year as well, but I am not quite there yet. After much introspection, I realised that in order to really succeed in this area I have to follow the old age maxim - early to bed and early to rise. If I can join the 6, I am sure I will have the time for the things I need to do to move towards a better and healthier lifestyle. 

This is my simple 5 point agenda for health this year -
Brisk Walk for 1 hour every day (or at least 5 days a week).
30 minutes of meditation every day.
Drink 2-3 litres of water every day.
Eat right. (That sounds vague, but I am clear about what I need to do, maybe I will elaborate in another post)
Get 8 hours of sleep every day.

Read & Write {More}:

Okay. This bit is for the reader and writer in me. Ever since I joined the mommy club, my priorities changed drastically. Now that my LO is soon going to turn two and I am long done with my sleepless-nights phase, I need to shift the focus a little bit (if not all) on me. I have to learn to make time for myself if I don't want to feel burnt at the end of every day.

On the reading front, my goals are clear and simple. I aim to read at least 2 books every month in 2018. I want to catch up on the blogs of my fellow bloggers (I have discovered so many amazing new blogs recently). And yes, I also want to write more, and more often. Anywhere between 6-8 posts a month for each of my blog will give me peace!

This is actually a work-in-progress idea from last year. Somewhere in the second half of 2017, I came across a video on WhatsApp on the importance of decluttering and when I watched it, it made so much sense to me. In essence, the video gave the message that when we declutter our surroundings, we bid adieu to chaos and negative energy and make way for positive vibes.

I went into a reassessment mode after I saw the video and realized that there were so many things in my house- in my wardrobe, in my kitchen, in my storage spaces, etc., that I have not used over a year. Anything that has not been used for a prolonged period is essentially ‘clutter’. There were clothes that did not fit me anymore; bottles and jars I thought I would use as food props and they kept piling up. There were books that were of no use to me and not to talk about the pile of documents that should have been shredded long ago, etc.

You get the drift, right?

Ever since we welcomed baby M into our lives, there has been an exponential increase in the baby items (gear, toys, etc.) in our house. A little more space in the house was more than welcome as it could go a long way in keeping things organized. So, I began my journey of decluttering. I have given away a lot of things that were of no use to me but were useful to others. The space this exercise has created inside my wardrobe, storage areas, and kitchen shelves have given them a breather. And strangely I feel so much lighter.

There is still more to do in this area. In the year 2018, I don't just want to do declutter, but I want to go a step ahead. I want to avoid gathering more clutter. I am often an impulsive buyer and many a time I get things that I don't really need. Recently, I came across this article on My year of No shopping and wondered if I can follow suit. Maybe with a little bit of planning, I can. So, to test the waters, I will make a conscious effort to be more mindful of my purchases. Minimalism is one of my mantras to live by in 2018. That can save me money and much hassle later. A win-win deal. Isn't it?

That's all for now on my new year resolutions 2018. I will love to hear your thoughts on New Year resolutions. Do they work for you? Or you do not believe in them. Whatever is your story, let me know about it by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Linking this to Corinne's #MondayMusings hosted at EverydayGyaan

Thursday 7 December 2017

Stand Strong by Shubha Vilas | Book #4 of Ramayana- The Game of Life Series

Book review of Stand Strong by Shubha Vilas -

Stand Strong by Shubha Vilas #Book Review
 Book #4 of Ramayana - The Game of Life Series

Stand Strong by Shubha Vilas is the fourth book of the Ramayana –The Game of Life Book Series. Since I have read the first 3 books of the series; I was elated when I got the opportunity to read this one. Stand Strong is a modern retelling of the Kishkindha Kand of Valmiki Ramayana - it tells us all about the events occurring in the monkey kingdom of Kishkindha. Like the previous books, this book too doesn’t just narrate the stories from Ramayana but also imparts insightful life lessons to the readers. The book is motivational, enlightening, and encouraging, all in the same breath.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Bombay Masala Sandwich Recipe | How to make Bombay Masala Sandwich

Bombay Masala Sandwich Recipe | A very popular roadside snack from the city of Mumbai, India. Check the recipe to know how to make Bombay Masala Sandwich
Bombay Masala Sandwich #Recipe

Bombay Masala Sandwich is a very popular roadside snack from the city of Mumbai. Between two grilled bread slices smeared with a generous amount of green chutney and butter is a spicy potato mixture topped with onion and tomato slices and grated cheese. The roadside vendors are very generous when it comes to filling it and topping it with cheese. I, however, exercise caution when I make it at home. However, if you like it cheesy you can be as generous as you like!

It is best to have this sandwich when it is freshly made - crisp and hot, along with a cup of masala chai.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Jhaal Muri | How to Make Jhaal Muri from scratch | Street Food Recipes

Jhal Muri Recipe - A healthy and easy snack recipe to munch on from the streets on Kolkata|
Jhaal Muri #Recipe
Jhaal Muri is another popular street food from the state of Bengal. It is a light snack and is quite healthy too. ‘Jhaal’ in Bengali means ‘spicy’ and ‘muri is puffed rice – and it translates to spicy puffed rice. In the streets of Kolkata, the street vendors prepare them instantly and serve them in newspaper cones. With chopped onion, tomato, boiled potatoes, peanuts, sev bhujia, mustard oil and a blend of spices, it is a delightful snack to munch on. Using mustard oil is a must, as it imparts the dish its characteristic taste. While it might look somewhat similar to Bhel Puri, it’s taste is altogether different.

Monday 4 December 2017

Ghugni Chaat | How to Make Ghugni from Scratch | Recipe

Ghugni Chaat | How to Make Kolkata Style Ghugni Chaat at home |
Ghugni Chaat #Recipe

Ghugni Chaat is one of the most loved street foods from the lanes of Kolkata. And contrary to the popular belief about street foods, it is quite a healthy protein packed dish to indulge in. Try any area in Kolkata that is famous for its street food, you are bound to find a conspicuous vendor selling Ghugni.

In simple words, ghugni is a spicy curry made from dried white peas (that has been soaked for at least 6 hours or overnight) topped with chopped onions, tamarind chutney, a handful of coriander leaves and a specially roasted masala. Ghugni is to Kolkata what chole chaat is to Delhi. It is one of those dishes I make when I am running out of veggies in my pantry. With just a few ingredients, you can have a hearty and tummy satisfying meal.

When I was in school, there was a vendor who could come to our school park to sell ghugni during lunch breaks. From what I remember, there used to be a huge crowd surrounding his cart – all enjoying a plate of hot ghugni chaat. Back then I was quite averse to street foods since I was not sure what kind of hygiene standards they maintained. So, I never bought a plate of ghugni from him. Although today I enjoy having street food from street vendors, I am still very choosy. Well, that’s just me. These days whenever I crave street food, I end up making it at home.

Looking for more street food options, check out the recipe for

Ghugni Chaat | How to Make Kolkata Style Ghugni Chaat at home |

How to make Ghugni Chaat at home

1 cup dried yellow peas
1 large onion, chopped
2 tsp ginger-chilli paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp cumin powder
2 medium tomatoes blanched and pureed.
1 large boiled potato, boiled, peeled, and mashed roughly.
A pinch of hing
1 tbsp oil
¼ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp chilli powder
Salt to taste

To serve:
Chopped onion
Chopped fresh coriander
Lemon slices
Specially roasted masala (bhaja masala)

In order to prepare the roasted masala, take 2 tbsp cumin, 1 tbsp coriander seeds and 2 whole red chillies. Dry roast it in a pan over medium heat till they change colour. Grind it into a coarse powder in a pestle and mortar. Add 1 tsp of black salt and mix. Store it in an airtight container and use as needed.


1.       Wash the dried yellow peas and soak them in fresh water for 6 hours or overnight.
2.       In order to cook the peas, add the drained yellow peas to a pressure cooker and water such that the peas are covered in water. Add ½ tsp salt and cook it on high until one whistle. Wait till the pressure is released and open the cooker.
3.       Heat a Kadhai, add oil and when it is heated add hing and cumin seeds. Will the cumin seeds splutter, add ginger-chilli paste, garlic paste and stir. After a few seconds add the chopped onions and a pinch of salt. Cook till the onions are translucent. It will take about 3-4 minutes.
4.       Now add the tomato puree and stir. Add the turmeric powder, chilli powder, cumin powder and stir again. Cook till the tomato puree leaves oil in the sides.
5.       Now add the cooked peas and mashed potato. Give it a good stir. Check the spices. Add more if necessary. Bring it to a boil and then cover and lower the heat. Cook for about 5 minutes. When done turn off the heat.
6.       To serve, add the ghugni to a deep plate. Top it with a dash of lemon juice, tamarind chutney, chopped onion, chopped coriander, and the specially prepared roasted spice mix. Serve it hot.

Ghugni Chaat | How to Make Kolkata Style Ghugni Chaat at home |

This post is a part of the Blogging Marathon under the theme 'Make Street Food at Home'.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#83