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Showing posts with label Old Sketches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Sketches. Show all posts

Friday 14 October 2011

Sketches from the past!

The title of this post seems a bit ambiguous but, I could not think of a better title, for this post I intend to share a few of my sketches which I had probably done in my early college days. 

One of the rituals I follow when I visit home is to go through all my belongings which includes a lot of things which many might think unnecessary and unwanted for. I have a small file wherein I have kept my first mobile bill, old cards which I had received from my friends in school and college days, old letters from friends during the time when there was no internet and many such things which I do not need now. Yet, I can't bring myself to throw them away because they have sweet memories attached to it. While I was going through all my little treasure, I chanced upon my old sketches. 

It was then I decided to share them on this blog and here they are!

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!