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Sunday 8 September 2019

When It Rains #WordsMatter

When it rains… 

I crave for a plateful of freshly fried onion bhajis and a cup of strong adrakh-wali chai. And as I write this, the memories of many rain-soaked evenings spent with friends in Pune indulging in these small pleasures of life come to my mind.

I love rains. I always have. I love the freshness and moisture it brings to the air. I love how everything green starts looking lush after the rains. I grew up in Assam, so I have always experienced the rains of the torrential kind – not for a few minutes on some days - but for hours, for days on - like the sky would pour incessantly – relentlessly. As a kid, I would listen to the pitter-patter of the raindrops falling mercilessly on the slanted tiled roof of our house, in some rhythm of its own. just by the sound of it, it was easy to know when the intensity of the downpour increased and when it stopped.

Having lived in a couple of different cities in the past several years, I have not experienced rains the way I did in my home state. Of course, rains were never all fun, in fact, it was far from it – rains brought with it a host of problems. To start with the clothes would never dry, there would be frequent power cuts, there were mobility issues and then there would be the fear of floods, which again would bring another set of more grievous problems. But that is not what I want to dwell on. Because here I am talking about my love for rains.

Even though I love rains, I am not very enthusiastic about the idea of getting drenched in rains or to go out to feel the raindrops against my skin. Instead, I like to stay indoors and watch this spectacle of nature. A cup of hot tea, a good book, a window with a view and a cosy place to sink in – is my favourite idea of spending a rainy day. 

A rainy day is a special gift for readers. 

- Amy Miles.

That's so true. Don't you agree?

Going for a walk after the rain has stopped is another favourite thing to do – the fresh air has a very calming effect on me and somehow it helps me sort things in my head. How do you like to spend a rainy day?

I will leave you with some photos from this rainy season. 

If you like what you read here, do share your thoughts with me on my Facebook PageTwitter Handle or tag me on Instagram @jyotibabel using the hashtag #jyotispages 


I am participating in the #WordsMatter Blog Hop initiated by CorrineShalini and Parul. The prompt for this month is "When it rains".

I received this tag from Suha at Shravs Musings. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Anami at Anami Pensieve There are 42 of us on this Blog Hop and it will be spread over 3 days – 6, 7, 8 September 2019. Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and prepare to be surprised!

If you are on social media, take a minute to follow me there to stay updated about my blog posts. 

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Thank you for stopping by! Cheers. 


  1. What gorgeous pictures! One of the best things about rain is the greenery it leaves behind. Everything is washed fresh.

  2. I actually liked getting drenched in rain when I was young. Now, not so much.
    Wonderful captures. Everything looks so fresh after the rain.

  3. Me too :) I love staying indoors and watch rains as I munch on delicious pakoras and sip a hot cup of chai. Loved reading your post! Thanks for participating in the blog hop. Hope you had fun :)

  4. Nice Pictures which showcases the true beauty of monsoons

  5. I crave for Mirchi bajji's like more than ever during monsoon! A perfect excuse to ask mom to make bajji's during this time. This was a lovely read Jyoti, thanks for sharing.

  6. What peaceful pictures of the rain you have shared on this post. And I can imagine how beautiful Assam must be when it rains.....

  7. Rainy day is perfect to stay inside and cozy up with a book and hot tea and watch the raindrops falling down and feel the rush of memories. And of course, you are right, there are some not so good side that rain brings - power cut, traffic blocks, etc. Still rain is always welcome. Loved reading your thoughts, Jyoti.

  8. Of all the rains I have experienced across the globe, I love the rains of Pune! Rainy season is much awaited in Pune as it takes away the heat from the lives and cools down the city to a pleasant weather. Bun maska pav at Good Luck Cafe used to be the norm of the season!
    Refreshing post, Jyoti.

  9. I too think the best way to enjoy the rain is indoors with chai and bhajji

  10. Beautiful pictures. Seems like Hyderabad is trying to imitate your home state!
    Love the Amy Miller quote - so true!

  11. Beautiful pictures and how cool that our posts were almost the same :)


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