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Friday 13 January 2012

Lucky Library Picks#5

Ever since I started this meme, I go to the library with renewed interest, enthusiasm and hope and have been picking up interesting titles. This week for 'Lucky Library Picks' I have 2 books to share.

Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel:

I read Life of Pi by the author last year and after a difficult start, that book has been one of those enlightening reads that I cherish.  To pick Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel seems to be a natural progression to me.

The blurb says, "This is the story of a donkey named Beatrice and a monkey named Virgil. It is the story of an extraordinary journey undertaken by a man named Henry".

Isn't that intriguing? Well after the tiger in Life of Pi, I am in for a donkey and monkey in this novel!;-P!

Animal's People by Indra Sinha

I had not heard about this author or the book before. The cover of the book says - shortlisted for the 2007 Man Booker Prize. Well, my knowledge about these things had never been very good. What caught my attention is the excerpt from the back of the book:

"I used to be human once. So I'm told. I don't remember it myself, but people who knew me when I was small say I walked on two feet just like a human being".

That sounds crude but it was enough to stir up my interest.

If the same thought is crossing your mind as mine then let me reassure you, I will pick some books without any animals in them next time.:-)! Do you have anything to share about Lucky Library Picks, so share your link! You can check my other Lucky Library Picks post here.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers

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