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Friday 30 December 2011

Lucky Library Picks#4

Here is the last of Lucky Library Picks post this year. Check out this to know what it is all about! You can find my other Lucky Library Picks posts here.

This week I have 2 books to share from the library. I had brought them from the library before it closed for Christmas.
The first one is:
Ecilipse by Stephenie Meyer
I have read the first two books of the twilight series, Twilight and New Moon and I am really looking forward to read the rest of the series.
The second is:
The Goddess Village by Nuala Woulfe
This is a new author I have picked this time in my endeavor to read more of Irish author. The blurb from the back of the book is interesting and I am hoping to enjoy reading it.

Do you have any Lucky Library Picks this week? Leave a link and I will visit your page to check out.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

This is a scheduled post.

1 comment:

  1. hope you enjoy your holidays with these interesting books


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