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Thursday 10 October 2013

Never Mind Yaar by K. Mathur - A Book Review

Never Mind Yaar by K. Mathur - A Book Review
Never Mind Yaar by K. Mathur
The title is an attitude - our tendency to feel defeated by the scale and nature of certain problems. Rather than meet them head on, we circumvent them with a sigh and a consoling “never mind, yaar”.

When long time friends Binaifer Desai and Louella D’Costa meet Shalini Dayal at Gyan Shakti College, a true friendship that transcends cultural and religious backgrounds is born. Louella is a Christian, Binaifer, a Parsi and Shalini, a Hindu.

The novel’s main plot line surrounds Shalini who has fallen for an impetuous student activist, Bhagu. Where does his desire to help the less fortunate lead him? The challenges are many - Shalini’s tradition bound family, the couple’s youth and inexperience and the travails of life in Mumbai, a city the girls love but know, is fraught with communal tension.

Monday 7 October 2013

English Bites by Manish Gupta - A Book Review

English Bites by Manish Gupta - A Book Review
English Bites by Manish Gupta 
English Bites by Manish Gupta is an ideal book for anyone who is intrigued by the English language. It will definitely satiate your curiosity and will help you to improve your English vocabulary. Through this book the author regales about his tumultuous journey of conquering the English language.

When look and see have similar meanings, how can overlook and oversee be opposites?

If you decide to be bad forever, you decide to be bad for good!

How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next day?

They are head over heels in love. That’s nice, but don’t we do almost everything head over heels?

Were you scratching your head over these? Well, I thought you would to do so.

Now tell me the longest English word you know. Yes, you can scratch your head as much as you like!

Okay. I will give you a hint. It has to be at least 35 letters long. Yes, you heard me right, at least 35 letters and no, you cannot go to Google.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Winner of the Vegetarian Library Collection Cookbook Giveaway is....

Time flies fast..

Really fast..

I mean it..

I know I am irritating you with unnecessary text before announcing the winner of the cookbook giveaway hosted here. But, I hope you will read this before you scroll down.

This was the first cookbook giveaway I hosted on this blog and it has been a great experience. Although, I didn't spend much time publicizing the giveaway (I know I should have dedicated a little more time to it), but I received a decent 59 valid entries for the same. I thank everyone who took their time and participated in the event.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Michhami Dukkadam

Today is the auspicious occasion of Jain Samvatsari. On this auspicious occasion, I ask for your forgiveness if I have hurt you knowingly or unknowingly by words or action, “Micchami Dukkadam”


“I grant forgiveness to all living beings,
All living beings grant me forgiveness.
My friendship is with all living beings,
My enmity is totally nonexistent.”

Michhami Dukkadam

Thursday 5 September 2013

Mango Yoghurt Delight Recipe - A New Take on Aamarakhand | Mango Recipes

Mango Yogurt Delight Recipe - A New Take on Aamarakhand | Mango Yoghurt Trifle Recipe
Mango Yogurt Delight #Recipe
Mango Yogurt Delight is my innovative take on amarakhand. Amarakhand is a mango flavoured yoghurt prepared in many regions of India when the king of fruits - mango is in season. But, the mango yoghurt delight is somewhat different from the regular mango yoghurt as you can see in the pictures. Layers of flavoured yoghurt and mango puree make for stylish looking dessert and can easily be a part of any party dessert menu.

My younger sister who is enjoying her time at home is quite excited about trying new recipes these days. I was in my mom's place for a few days some time back and she pestered me to teach her something new. So, you see I had to play my part of being an elder sister. But, she made my task even easier. She told me exactly what she wanted to learn and one of her requests was learning how to make Aamarakhand. My mom had bought a large local mango and set a good quantity of yoghurt to set the stage.