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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Winner of the Vegetarian Library Collection Cookbook Giveaway is....

Time flies fast..

Really fast..

I mean it..

I know I am irritating you with unnecessary text before announcing the winner of the cookbook giveaway hosted here. But, I hope you will read this before you scroll down.

This was the first cookbook giveaway I hosted on this blog and it has been a great experience. Although, I didn't spend much time publicizing the giveaway (I know I should have dedicated a little more time to it), but I received a decent 59 valid entries for the same. I thank everyone who took their time and participated in the event.

I went for a simple method to choose the winner. I prepared an excel sheet with all the entries. I numbered all the entries from 1 to 59. Then I prepared chits for those numbers and did the honor of choosing one. Does it sound primitive? Well, I am not really very proficient in the more sophisticated online tools and hence, I chose this only.

Now that I am done with my chit chat, can I have the drum roll please! The winner of the Sanjeev Kapoor's Vegetarian Library Kitchen is....number '50' of the list. This number belongs to..

Congrats Priya on winning the giveaway.. I will mail you soon to get the Indian postal address where the cookbooks can be sent.

Thank you everyone for participating. Stay tuned as I have some more events and giveaways in the pipeline.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!


  1. Wow, Jyothi thankyou so much for selecting me as a winner. I am so excited and happy Jyothi never thought I will win this wonderful collection of books. I love this way of choosing dear, reminds my school days.Thank you once again dear...

    1. i have mailed you regarding the address. Do send it soon! Congrats once again!

  2. wow... congratulations Priya!! nd kudos to ur efforts to select the winner manually Priya...
    Ongoing Event-Back 2 School

  3. Congrats Priya Anandakumar!!!! That is one lovely collection of Books!!!


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