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Tuesday 19 April 2011

# 8 Tuesday Teaser

This week my teaser comes from The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger.

"It depresses me. It is a reminder that the moment I belonged to is dead, and not just dead but forgotten."

Page: 207

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

Friday 15 April 2011

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Meet Samantha Sweeting, a high profile lawyer in London with an IQ 158. She works all hours, has no home life, cares only about getting a partnership in the firm she works for. She does not care about her social life or knows any domestic work, not even a basic thing like - boiling an egg or turning on an oven! She thrives on pressure and adrenalin.

Finally, the day comes for which she had slogged for 7 years, the day when her partership is going to be announced. But that happiness is short lived. She discovers that she has made an idiotic mistake that will be costing one of the firm’s clients over 50 million pounds. She goes into meltdown, walks right out of the office, gets on the first train she sees and find herself in the middle of no where. Asking for directions at a big house, she is mistaken for the interviewee housekeeper and offered the job. Her employers have no idea they have hired a Cambridge educated lawyer.

Samantha has no idea how to clean the house, work the oven, wash the clothes or even prepare a meal, let alone the fancy ones her employers want her to come up with. How Samatha deals with her new job, how she fares at it and whether her old life will catch up with her? That is all 'The Undomestic Goddess' is about. There is a romantic plot as well in the story. All these makes for an interesting plot. But, as you read on, the story becomes very predictable. None the less, it is a very entertaining read, apt to pick it up between serious reads.

The novel is meant to be a light hearted read and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It is the first Kinsella Book I have read and surely I will pick up her famous Shopoholic series sometimes soon in future. Her writing style is lucid, entertaining, witty and full of good humour. One of the best and perhaps the most entertaining chick-lit book I have read in recent times.

If you meaning to pick a fun and easy read, pick it up for sure! ;-)! Enjoy!

To know more about the author visit .

Tuesday 12 April 2011

# 7 Teaser Tuesday

This week my teaser comes from 'Life of Pi' by Yann Martel.

'I spent hours trying to decipher the lines in the survival manual on navigation. Plain and simple explanation on living off the sea was given in adundancee, but a basic knowledge of seafaring was assumed by the author of the manual.'
Page: 258

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! Share the title & author, too, so that others can add the book to their TBR Lists!

Monday 11 April 2011

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks is a 'beautiful' novel. Yes, that is the word that comes to my mind to describe the story. As I flipped through the last pages of the novel my eyes glittered with tears, of sorrow and of joy and after reading the book amidst the tears, I had a satisfied smile on my face, the kind one has after reading a good book. The book will take you through a journey of all these different emotions. Sparks has this innate ability to get to the heart of relationships and bring out the complexities therein. This novel touches an aspect of parent- children relationship, girl friend - boy friend relationship, brother-sister relationship and friendship in general. The novel has also been made into a movie. In fact, it was written to be made into a movie. The Last Song is perhaps one of the best of Sparks' books and a must read for all who enjoys his writings.

The story starts with Veronica Miller (Ronnie). She is a rebellious child who has taken the company of wrong kind of friends. It is because she has never been able to come out of her parent's divorce and have bitter feelings about it. Her life has never been the same. After her parents divorced and her father moved to North Carolina, Ronnie distanced herself from her father and gave up music. Music was the thing that she had grown up learning from her father but, now it was another source of stirring up bad memories.

Three years later, on her father's request, Ronnie and her brother, Jonah are sent to North Carolina to spend the summer with their father. Resentful and rebellious, Ronnie rejects her father’s attempts to reach out to her and threatens to return to New York before the summer’s end. It is during this summer that Ronnie meets Will and Blaze and Marcus. After a disgusting episode with Marcus and Blaze, things starts changing in her life for the good. She finds herself falling for Will, opening herself up to the greatest happiness – and pain – that she has ever known. Her strained relationship with her father starts healing slowly and gradually the bond is restored, but not without taking the readers through an upheaval of emotions.

The story might seem predictable but still it will move you to tears. All the characters seems real and are well defined. As Ronnie's life changes, the readers can feel the way she matures from a rebellious teenager to a young woman of substance. I loved the character of Jonah too. He is intelligent, adorable and a witty child and the way he cares for his father and sister is simply moving. Steve, too as a father does his best to spend meaningful time with his children. His unconditional love for his children, patience with Ronnie and his belief in her and finally his love for music is remarkable.

The story gives an important lesson to its readers too. Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Life is too short to hold grudges against others. So, forgive and forget and move forward in life.

To know more about the author, Nicholas Sparks and his works visit

Linking it to Nicholas Sparks reading challenge hosted by The Book Vixen