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Showing posts with label reading challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Reading List and A2Z Book Challenge 2012

Time flies! I can't believe, its December already and we are just a couple of weeks away from the new year!

The last month of a year is the time for me for contemplation, to look behind at all the months gone by and to rejoice the successes that were there and to learn from the stumbling blocks. It is also the time of the year when I make plans for the coming year, some resolutions and some personal milestone etc. Last year, I had made a list of To Read Books 2011 and its time to check how I have been faring. Of all the books I had listed to read, I think I am going to leave a few of the deliberately. You must be wondering why?

I came across this A2Z Book Challenge 2011 in Lindy's Blog. It is hosted by Lindsey of Babies Books and Signs and I have made up my mind to gear up for this challenge. It is a simple concept but somewhat challenging, you have to read a book starting with each letter of the English alphabet. Here are the two ways how Lindsy says it can work:

A - Make a list now of 26 books, picking one for each letter of the alphabet. For example: A - Atonement B- Black Beauty C - The Count of Monte Cristo D - Dances with Dragons etc.


B - The lazy way (how I do it) : Make a list on your blog from A-Z. Throughout the year, as you go along, add the books you are reading to the list. Hope that by the end of the year you have read one book for each letter. Towards the end of the year, you can check and see which letters you are missing and find books to fit.

Since it is really hard to find titles beginning with X, the letter X just needs to be in the title somewhere.

Of Course, I am in for the lazy way and here is my alphabet list which I intend to fill up by the end of next year!

A. Arranged Marriage by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
B. Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel
D. Deception Point by Dan Brown
E. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
H. Home by Manju Kapur,
K. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer
L. Last Man in Tower by Aravind Adiga
M. Miss Masala by Mallika Basu
O. Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer
P. The Playgroup by Janey Fraser
R. The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
T. Touchy Subjects by Emma Donoghue

The books I intentionally choose to leave will fit in this list. I will write about my 2011 reading experience in a different post later!
Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!