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Showing posts with label rants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rants. Show all posts

Monday 1 April 2019

Looking Back - January to March 2019 #GratitudeCircle #MondayMusings

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
A gratitude post and a post about life, in general, have been long due on the blog. The first quarter of the year is done and dusted with. So it makes sense to look back at the months gone by so far this year. I have had a lot to be thankful for, quite a few things to ponder about and lest I forget about it as the year goes on, I should make a note of it here on the blog. So, I will not beat around the bush and straight get to the point.

The year so far has been a happening one. Of course, there were highs and lows too. And there were things to be grateful for. The universe keeps people aligning on my path to show me the way - to say the things I need to hear, to get the lessons I need to learn to grow and most importantly to not give up on trying - opportunities are just around the corner. We just need to make sure we aren't just walking straight.

Monday 4 March 2019

Where Are You From? - Some Pictures From My Jan Assam Trip #MondayMusings

This January I made my annual trip to my mom's place. Some of my new friends and acquaintances asked me to share some pictures from my trip. That is when I realized I have never really shared anything about my hometown in this space. This space has been primarily for book reviews and sharing recipes, so I guess I had never given it a thought. Now that I have voluntarily taken a break from food blogging for a while, I guess it is fair enough to share some snippets from my life here to keep the blog going.

Where are you from?

This is one of the common questions I am often asked whenever I make new acquaintances. For that matter, I think it is one of the common questions posed to most people. For me, however, the answer is not as simple.

Friday 5 April 2013

Blog Updates, Rants and a Picture

I have been trying to keep this blog going with picture posts for the past few days. Needless to say, days have been busy and then will be so in coming days as well. In all the hustle bustle of life, I really find it difficult to squeeze time for blogging. It's not that I don't want to, but it seems like I am not very efficient in managing my time. But, things need to change now.

And for that, I have laid some rules for myself.

I have decided to blog more often, even if it is just a picture post. I will put up updates about what I am reading, any new books I have bought. I will interact more often on my Facebook page, on twitter and will try spending some time on Pinterest and try out recipes and stuffs I have pinned on Pinterest. I know that is easier said than done. But, I have to do it. Seriously!

On the reading front, I have read 'The Oath of Vayuputras' by Amish Tripathi. Review will be up soon.

To make things interesting for my readers, I am going to announce an event here soon. And it will come with some prizes too.. So, stay tuned.

And before, I end my short post, I want to share another sunset picture. I had posted one recently

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!