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Showing posts with label Tudor Rivals. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 July 2012

A Dangerous Inheritance by Alison Weir


A Dangerous Inheritance by Alison Weir tells the story of two heroines, separated by time, but intriguingly linked by history's most famous murder mystery.

Lady Katherine Grey has already suffered more than her fair share of tragedy. Eight years ago, her older sister, Lady Jane Grey was beheaded for unlawfully accepting a crown that was not hers. Now, in risking all for love, Katherine incurs the worth of her formidable cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, ho sees her as a rival for her insecure throne.

Interlaced with Katherine's story is that of her distant kinswoman, Kate Plantagenet, the bastard daughter of Richard III. Kate loves her father but all is not well in the court, and before long she hears rumors that threaten all she holds dear. Like Katherine Grey, she falls in love with a man forbidden to her. Then she embarks on what will prove to be a dangerous quest, covertly seeking the truth about he fate of her cousins, the Princes in the Tower.

But time is not on Kate's side - or on Katherine's either...

Alison Weir's new novel skillfully mixes fact and fiction, telling a page turning story within the frame work of historical authenticity..

This is the first historical fiction book set in Britain that I have read and I found it really fascinating. Two stories run simultaneously in the novel, with each heroine trying to find the truth about the fate of the Princes in Tower. Kate is interested in their fate to clear her doubts about her father whereas Katherine chances upon some letters by Kate where she writes about her doubts and fears, and becomes intrigued and hence interested in the knowing the fate of the Princes.

Only draw back of the way the novel is written to me was the fact that both heroines were similarly named. It needed my constant effort to keep them separate in my mind. Once it was clear in my head, there was no looking back. The story kept me hooked till the end. I am definitely going to pick up more books by the author.

If you are interested in historical fiction, this is surely a book you should pick.

I received a review copy from the publishers, Random House.

To know more about the author and her works please visit