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Showing posts with label The Crossover by Sunil Sandeep Book Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Crossover by Sunil Sandeep Book Review. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Crossover - Open Heart Verses by Sunil Sandeep

The Crossover – Open Heart Verses by Sunil Sandeep is a book of poems. It is the first time I am going to write about such a book. I love poems but, I seldom read poetry books. But, when I got a review request from I obliged.

I took quite a while to read the book and even after I finished it, it took me quite a while to jot down my views about the book. Poetry is a beautiful form of expression. Every poet has his own way and the beauty of poems is that one can interpret it in different ways. As I flipped the pages of the book, I sensed a feeling of melancholy and sadness. Reading through the author’s bio I came to know that the author has seen a lot of ups and downs in his life and that truly reflects in his work. I particularly loved the cover of the book; it is so poetic in its own way and perfectly syncs with the content of the book.

The poems are divided into 3 sections – Dreams, Reality and the Path. The sequence is exactly how we live our lives. We dream, we face the reality and finally we tread on the path to find our inner selves.

Through the different verses, the poet dwells on the listless and void life people live these days, how people hanker after riches, how we ignore the beauty of nature around us, how we choose to ignore the social problems and how we are not doing the things we ought to do. Through his verses, the poet has tried to persuade people to rise above the materialistic pleasures and move towards inner peace and divinity.

I can’t say that I understood each and every poem in the book. Some were quite beyond me to interpret. Nor could I make anything of the pictures that accompanied each poem. There were some poems that touched my heart, were thought provoking and there were others as well whose meaning I couldn’t fathom. But, I believe that is my shortcoming and not the poet’s. If you enjoy good poetry, then you can pick this book up.

To end the review, I quote two of my favorite verses from the book.

‘The path so light
Has to be walked alone
There are no shortcuts
And there are no maps’

‘Light cannot contain darkness
But darkness can contain light
If we are open to destroy all our beliefs
Only then we can reach a greater height’

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!