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Showing posts with label Saffron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saffron. Show all posts

Thursday 22 December 2011

Saffron Almond Milk

I have never really loved drinking milk. I used have have it daily as a child but as soon as I left home for studies, I forgo the habit. I love milk based sweets, smoothies, shakes etc but plain milk has never been my choice. Of late, I started having a lot of problem with my skin. It would crack so often. Medicines, ointments didn't help much. It was then my mom said have milk and almonds everyday, it will be good for the skin and it will help build immunity against cold and blustery weather. And she would specifically stress on having 'milk' being very important for women.

I googled about it and found that many people had the same opinion. It is sometime now, I am doing that and believe me I am noticing the changes already.

In this cold weather, I need a hot comforting drink and this saffron and almond milk is perfect option. I know I should have given heed to my mother's advise early. But as the saying goes, 'Better late than never'. I will definitely stick to this habit from now on.

Here is how I make it.


5 Almonds soaked for 1-2 hours or overnight and peeled.
1 cup milk
1 cardamom pod powdered.
Sugar to taste.
A few strands of Saffron


1. Blend the almonds with a little milk into a smooth paste.
2. Boil a cup of milk with cardamom and saffron added to it.
3. when it comes to boil add the almond paste and simmer for a minute. Add sugar to taste.
4. Cool the milk to your desired temperature and serve.

You can strain it first if you like. I do not strain it as I love the almonds bits and the cardamom residue actually settles at the bottom on their own.
 Enjoy this healthy drink with biscuits or indulge in some homemade cookies. Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!