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Showing posts with label Ravinder Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ravinder Singh. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Can Love Happen Twice by Ravinder Singh

Anyone who has read 'I Too Had A Love Story' by Ravinder Singh and was touched by it, would definitely pick up the author's second book - Can Love Happen Twice. We all have some expectations from an author whose work we appreciated. But, many a times all those hopes fall flat when the author's work doesn't meet our expectations. Let me tell you why I say so.

Here, I can't help but draw a comparison between the two books of the author.The first book was based on a true story, the author's own love story. Not that the writing style of the book was great, but the story touched the heart of many, for its simplicity and honesty. For all the author had been through in his life, the readers felt empathy for him. In the second book - Can love happen twice, which is a work of the author's imagination, he has tried to sell the old-stale-love-story in a new packaging.

Plot is simple. Boy is lonely and trying to live with his past. He goes abroad for work. Sees an Indian girl. Falls for her. Love happens. Boy is back to India. Trouble starts. Suddenly, career is more important for the girl and she breaks up with him. Boy is broken and gets mental. He runs to the street and meets an accident and hence, ends up in a rehabilitation home.

And guess who is telling us this story? His three friends reads his unfinished book on a radio show!


The problems doesn't end with the plot, the characters are also very poorly sketched. The character of Simar is irritating, melodramatic and irrational. She is nothing like the character of Khushi of 'I Too Had A Love Story'. The love portrayed between Ravin and Simar is more of an infatuation which fades with time. To top all this, the author keeps bragging about being a best selling author through out the book. Looks like the success of his debut novel has got into his head. If he thinks that he can sell any crap for a love story, then he is wrong. This book doesn't work for me.

If you have read the author's first book and liked it then, please don't pick up this one. It will ruin your empathy for the author. I don't think I am going to read any more of his work. That is, if he decides to write another book.

You can surely give this one a miss.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

I too had a love story by Ravinder Singh

I chanced upon this book at my sister's place in Kolkata. On inquiring, I found that my brother had left it at her place while shifting places for his job. Now, my brother is not much of a reader and that he was interested in this particular book intrigued me. More over, the past tense in the title of the book made me curious. I was sure, it was going to be an easy read. It is the debut novel of the author, Ravinder Singh. I borrowed this book from my sister and finished it in two sittings!

The author tells his love story through this book. It has a tragic end, which explains the past tense of the title. It is the love story of Ravin and Khushi. The author tells how he met the girl of her dreams and how their love bloomed. But, things doesn't happen as he had thought as destiny had other plans for them. Giving out more about the story would not do justice to any aspiring readers. So, read the book to find out more. Having said that,I must add that if you are looking for a literary piece than it's not one. If you are looking for a meticulously crafted plot in the story, it doesn't have one. What catches your attention in this book, is the simplicity of the book and the honesty with which the author has written it, and that this story is based on his own love story makes you empathize with the author for having gone through a difficult patch in life.

The story is plainly written yet beautifully executed. All emotions conveyed through the story are delivered. It is indeed a touching love story and it did struck a chord in my heart.

It is the kind of book I would prefer when I am in a mood for a light read.

The author has put his heart and soul in writing this book.It will stay in your mind long after you have read it.