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Monday 1 February 2021

Of Sea, Sand and Sunsets - Reflections #GoaDiaries #MondayBlogs

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.”– Richie Norton

One of the best feelings in life is to watch a sunset over the sea. It’s a splendid sight to watch, how the blazing sun gradually dims, appears to dip into the sea, and the sky gradually changes its hues. That’s something I relished witnessing on our first getaway of 2021. Last week we were in Goa for a much needed short holiday, and it was a very welcome break for all of us. 

Whenever we are in Goa for a holiday we prefer to have a relaxed stay by chilling on the beach and enjoying the sea. So instead of going and rushing around places, we try to in soak in the sun, have fun in the water, watch sunsets and unwind. With a kid, it makes more sense to keep things simple and it works for us very well. Sharing a few pictures and some musings and reflections from the trip here.

Being by the sea makes me ponder, more than usual. Chilling at the beach my mind went to something I had read somewhere long back - to look at the sea as a metaphor for life. The sea is, in many ways, a reflection of our lives. When looked from the shore, the sea’s view with its endless waves, the horizon at a distance, and the setting sun - all look so alluring and inviting. It feels like life is all out there in the sea - the sea represents our desires, all the possibilities, fun, and adventure. Standing at the shore feels like being stuck - like a bystander - in the unfolding of an action-packed drama.

Our desires often compel us to take that leap of faith and jump into the unknown and follow our heart. And there are times when our fears caution us to be pragmatic and assess the risks involved in any opportunity. Both feelings serve a purpose, and we spend our lives trying to find the right balance mostly by taking calculated risks. Of course, there are times when all our calculations go awry and then there are also times when the impulse to try something new makes us explore new possibilities. It doesn't matter how far we reach in our endeavours; whether we make it big or not, the real failure is actually not trying at all.

Standing by the sea, I was trying to ruminate over my life so far, and I could think of instances where I was more cautious than needed. And there were times when I had made big decisions about my life on an impulse. I am still trying to find the balance, and I consoled myself, saying that I have not yet given up on trying, learning and unlearning. Standing by the seashore, I was exploring life’s possibilities. In a matter of minutes, I went through moods of being happy, sombre, content and hopeful. Gazing at beautiful sunsets does that to me.

I had written some lines about the beauty of the sea and the setting sun. Sharing it here to wrap up this post.


A million secrets it holds in its womb.
With its vastness, it enthrals all.
As I gaze into its shimmering tides
I feel peace settling into my soul.

The tumultuous waves rise and crash.
It touches my feet and rolls away.
The sound of the waves, so soothing
The cadence of the sea is calming.

The sea, the sand, and the setting sun
The vibrant hues of the sky and the beautiful horizon,
A splendid sight it is to behold
It's worth cannot be measured in gold.

As the sun slowly dips into the horizon,
The vibrant sky slowly dims its light.
Making way for yet another night
Still, I linger around, holding on to the sight.


Linking this post to Corrine's MondayMusings 

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Thanks for stopping by! Cheers.


  1. I also love the sea and the sunset! I actually find it interesting seeing who prefers the sunset and who prefers the sunrise... haha. Both are beautiful of course :) #MondayMusings

    1. I love both sunrises and sunsets. Both are beautiful, yes. It just that you must be an early riser to enjoy sunrises

  2. I am so glad that I took the time to read your post and poem. They resonate deeply with me. There is something bout t he water, isn't there? I am a "Beach Girl" from Massachusetts, in the US. Sharing this post with a good friend and lover of the sea. Nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing your vacation pictures with us. Michele #MondayMusings

    1. Thank you Michele for stopping by. I am so glad the word resonated with you, of course you being a beach girl - you would feel so close about the water. Thank you for sharing the post. I very much appreciate

  3. This is Varca Beach resort. So many many memories - we've been there 3 times and to their other resort in Varca twice! Never tire of it. I'm glad you had a good time. I absolutely love the beach and it inspires me too. Love your poem, Jyothi.


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