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Monday 21 December 2020

Word of the Year 2021 & My Lessons from 2020

Word of the Year 2021 & My Lessons from 2020

What a year 2020 has been? Did anyone imagine how the year would unfold before us when we were sending out the happy new year greetings at the beginning of the year! I didn’t, and I am sure, none of us had ever imagined living through a pandemic and the lockdown restrictions we all have been through this year. Despite everything the world has gone through this year, when I reflected my journey through the year, I realised the year 2020 has not been that bad a year for me personally. There were several inconveniences, but nothing untoward and that I believe is itself a blessing.

One of the biggest lessons for me this year is to learn to be grateful. While I have always thought and believed that I am generally a grateful person, but this year being grateful took on a whole new meaning for me. I am so grateful that I have been safe through a pandemic. I never had the scarcity for any basic needs throughout the year, my family has been safe and that I had the time to spend time on things I had meant to do for a long time during the lockdown period. 2020 made me ponder more than usual, and all the reflection did help me sort out a few things in my mind. I had not chosen any word for the year 2020, but if I had to sum up my feeling for the year - it is gratitude. This year I learnt to be grateful for everything that I had taken for granted.

I first came across the WOTY (word of the year) concept in 2018, and I had chosen ‘Mindfulness’ as my 2018 WOTY. 2019 had been a year of purging with ‘Declutter’ as my WOTY. Now coming to selecting a word for the coming year - 2021, which we all are hoping would be a better one for the world, I looked at my learnings in 2020. 2020 has been a year that made us all slow down; it made us take a pause and reflect what is a priority for us. For me, I think for the most of the year I had multi-tasked like never before - I managed the chores around the house, I spend a lot of time with my kid, I cooked and cleaned, I read, I made art, I wrote, and I learnt to take care of myself while doing all of it. I learnt to make time for the things that were important to me. Long back, a good friend of mine told me that if I waited for the right time to arrive to do something that I wanted to do, then I would just keep waiting and the time would never come. Make time for the things that are important to you; the rest of the things will fall in place. I implemented it, and I succeeded to a great extent, and I want to continue doing that in the time to come.

So, my word for the year 2021 is - ACT.

I want to act on all the small/big goals and dreams I have for myself and my family but didn’t take enough initiative or steps towards realising them. I believe that when I act with the right intent, I will find my way.

Linking this post of Corrine's WOTY 2021 Linky

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Thanks for stopping by! Cheers.


  1. Loved your post, Jyoti. In fact, your word comes very close to my #WOTY for 2020, which was 'immerse'. I do wish that all that you're hoping to realise comes true for you in 2021. May it bring us the much needed respite from a tough year that brought us challenges and life lessons aplenty. Stay safe and take care, dear!

  2. ACT is a great word since 2020 must have kept many of your projects on hold. I do hope the year brings more opportunities for you to ACT and have a more productive 2021. Take care

  3. I enjoyed viewing your art through the year, Jyothi. So glad that the year was a good, safe one for you and your family.
    Act is a strong word and I'm certain you will move closer to your dreams! Wishing you and your family the very best in 2021.

  4. Act ...act on your dreams and your goals. May you achieve that in 2021

  5. That's really goo word. I live by that too. I am not much of a planner you see. Best wishes for a wonderful 2021.

  6. Very well thought of word, Jyoti. Act. We surely plan goals in the beginning of every year but within a month or two stop acting on it. This way all planning becomes dormant.

  7. I can totally relate to your word of the year. I am a dreamer and a planner but it is difficult to do. And do we must if we need to grow or achieve anything. Hope you have a great year

  8. I can completely relate to this - after a 2020 where we were largely waiting, anticipating and planning, 2021 should be about taking action. Looking forward to reading more from you next year!


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