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Monday 29 April 2019

Gearing up for The Write Tribe Reading Challenge #MondayMusings

4 months of the year has already passed by and I am miserably lagging behind in my reading goals. I didn't aim for anything too far fetched as a part of the GoodReads challenge - just 2 books a month. Should not have been that tough right? But it is becoming so, given the fact that I am also putting my hands into a number of other things. So, to get myself back on track, I am signing up for another reading challenge. Although I am pretty late for it already, Corrine of Write Tribe has been kind enough to let me into 'The Write Tribe Reading Challenge 2019'.

As a part of the challenge, I am hoping I will be reading 24 books (book lover level) of which 12 can match up to the book prompts listed in the challenge plus I will be posting a review of at least 1 book a month. Of course, there will be some catching up to do. But then, that's my intention for taking up this challenge.

My love for books goes way back into my school days. Back then I had this huge list of hobbies I indulged in - stamp collection, gardening, listening to music, drawing, painting, crafting, and reading!
But, today if you ask me, I think I will reply in an instant – it is reading.

Over all these years, if something has remained constant about what I do in my free time, then it's reading. Of course, over the years I have developed newer interests like cooking, baking, writing, blogging, but reading is what has remained timeless. I owe my habit of reading to a childhood school friend (a voracious reader), who introduced me to the world of books. Once the reading bug bit me, there has been no looking back.

There are some obvious benefits of reading like it improves your knowledge and enhances your vocabulary and writing skills. But, one that stands out for me is that it adds a spark to our mundane lives. Books are often magical - they truly are – when you open a good book and immerse yourself in it – you leave behind your worries and set sail into a different world. Books are a great way to escape from the boredom of your mundane life.

Here are 3 of my favourite quotes on books and reading.

"Books are uniquely portable magic." - Stephen King

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot 

quotes on reading - books are uniquely portable magic - stephen king

These quotes aptly sum the role a good book can play in our lives. You can never feel alone in the company of a good book. Period.

Linking up this post to Corrine's Monday Musings as well.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

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