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Wednesday 4 July 2012

Skid Marks of Logic by Divya Diana Dias

Skid Marks of Logic by Divya Diana Dias is a collection of 3 stories each of them dealing with young women who are trying to deal with their sexual awakening and sensual desires. The author has tried to dwell on the moral, mental and societal issues modern Indian women faces when it comes to embracing their physical needs, given the fact that Indian society is not very open or liberal about it. The author takes us through the life of 3 women from different strata of society, passing though that phase of life.

I am just quoting the blurb to give you an insight about what the book is all about.

Synopsis quoted from the back cover of the book:

Some people stop themselves from doing what they want because of what their friends would think about them. Some people are too afraid to accept what is right in front of them. Some people regret their silly reasons, wondering why they did not succumb to their desires at the time.

Janvi, Danielle and Payal are some people. But now they want to change.

They want to shatter the chains that society has bound them with and win the war that rages within them, once and for all.

Will they succeed? ‘Skid Marks of Logic’ reveals... 

…how Payal cons Xerxus into kissing her

Stuck in Ahmedabad, in a sad life surrounded by sadder people, the only saving grace in Payal’s life is her two best friends. Known as the ‘Timid Mouse’ for her strangely quiet ways and shy demeanor, she longs for a guy to steal her away from her life of drudgery and enforced hypocrisy. Then she meets Xerxus at her cousin’s sangeet practice and her heart stops. And she knows she can’t rest till she’s found a way to be with him...

…Danielle’s answer to Satya’s preposterous question

Dani is 21. She’s never been kissed. She’s never dated. No guy has even asked her out. Seeking ways to satisfy her curious void, she writes a scene that’s hot enough to burn the page. It’s naughty and fantastic and she is ever so proud of it. However, she hasn’t counted on her best friend Satya reading it nor the scandalous question he proposes… 

…the results of Janvi’s face off with Rhys

Janvi is at her wits’ end trying to manage the company her dad left her. Then an employee goes behind her back and commits a crime that could put the company at risk. If that weren’t enough, Mr. High and Mighty Rhys Callahan comes demanding vindication for said crime… Janvi wants to say ‘to hell with men’, but how does one say ‘to hell with the Devil?’

The book deals with a topic that is not discussed very openly in our Indian society. So, I was expecting the author to treat the subject adroitly. However, to me that is the not the case. The narration is very vocal about the subject. The book started well, I loved reading about Payal, it was interesting and to some extent hilarious. But, then I found the second and third story monotonous and somewhat repetitive. The stories were too long for short stories. It would have been better if they had been edited to a little shorter version. I found the narration childish at some points and the stories a little over spiced up. Over all it was an OK read.

I received a review e-copy from the author.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the cover, I thought it was a children book. never thought it would be an adult read, let alone such a delicate subject.. must be a different read for our Indian society! :)


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