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Friday 9 March 2012

Lucky Library Picks # 9

The last couple of books I have read have not kept me glued to it. I mean, they were not bad read, but they were not absolutely riveting. That is why when I went to the library this time, I had in mind which author's titles I want to pick. And finely, I zeroed on these two books for Lucky Library Picks.

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer and The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks

I have always enjoyed the books by these authors and at times when I need something to read that will have my undivided attention, I know I can fall back on their books. You can see reviews of books by Nicholas Sparks and Jeffrey Archer by following the link.

Do you have something to share? I will love to hear.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!


  1. Have read both of them..Kane and Abel of course is considered a cult book..I didn't think much of The Rescue..just a breezy read.

    1. That is exactly why I like Nicholas Sparks' books.. They are a breezy read and I need them at times to get myself in a mood to read. I am looking forward to Kane and Abel. Have heard great thing about it.

  2. I agree with Gauri. Kane and Abel is a classic in its own sense. I loved each moment I spent with that book. Hope you do too!

    1. Your recommendation was in my mind when I saw Kane and Abel and I gave no second thoughts before picking it up..

  3. I love reading Kane and Abel. If you like it, make sure you read Prodigal Daughter and Shall we tell the President. They are all linked to each other. All good reads. Shall we tell the president was written first with a male president. But after the other books came out, he rewrote the book to make the protagonist a female :-)

    I share a love hate relationship with Nicholas sparks. I always am aware of how silly and mushy his books are. But like you said always read it when I need to get myself ready for a good reading season or when I finish a heavy book. Highly recommend - message in the bottle, notebook and walk to remember if you have not read them

  4. Thanks for stopping by mt blog and commenting on my review of MICHAEL'S REWARD.


    Silver's Reviews


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