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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Sinfully Decadent Egg less Chocolate Walnut Brownies

2015 is here and already more than half of January is over. Every year it feels the same - there is so much excitement about the new year, but soon it wanes. The calendar changes, but the days, the chores are the same and soon, we are back to the same old life. But, does that mean we should not be celebrating? Definitely not - life is all about celebrating the small things in life - however mundane they may seem. And new year comes only once a year. So, it is definitely worth celebrating.

So, I decided that the first post on this space this year should be something that signifies celebration. And to me brownies fit the bill perfectly well. I am a self professed brownie lover. I have already shared some brownie recipes here, so do check them out too.

The brownie recipe I am sharing today is adapted from here. I have made some changes in the measures of the ingredients and the process of preparation so that it turns out less cake like and more fudge-y.

So, let's hop on to the recipe now.

Sinfully Decadent Egg less Chocolate Walnut Brownies

Yields 9

1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
130 ml milk
80 gm butter, at room temperature
1/2 tin condensed milk
1 tsp coffee
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp walnuts, chopped
125 gram dark chocolate

1. Grease a 7" square pan. Preheat oven at 180 C.
2. In a large bowl shift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and instant coffee.
3. Melt the chocolate in a microwave or by using double boiler method. To it add the butter, condensed milk, vanilla and milk. Stir nicely so that the mixture is uniform.
4. Now add the dry mixture into the wet mixture and whisk nicely to form a uniform batter.
5. Pour the batter into the greased tin. Sprinkle chopped walnuts over it.
6. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes. To check if it is done, insert a toothpick in the middle. If it comes out clean then it is done.
7. Let the brownie rest in the pan for at least 10 minutes.
8. Once it has cooled down, slice and eat. Enjoy!

Note: I baked it a 6" square pan and that is why the middle of the brownie is a bit wrinkled. Using a 7" square pan will be a better idea.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

The Symbol by Varun Gautam

The Blurb says:

A perfectly written script goes awry when Arjun encounters the unexpected. His belief in occult injustice solidifies when he, on one hand, fails to clear the much coveted IMS entrance exam and on the other hand, his friend Mohan gets more than what he deserved in life. Unable to cope up with this unfairness, he becomes directionless. With no way forward and some strained relations, he reaches the peak of monotony in his life and has nowhere to draw his inspiration from. One day suddenly he gets hold of a device called The Symbol which promises to solve all his problems.

Can The Symbol help him come out of his woes?

Will he be able to rise above the so called injustice and prove his mettle?

It is a journey that takes a peek into finding a new perspective and chartering inspiration from unknown territories, where none was thought to have existed.

I received this book from the author in exchange for an unbiased review.

One look at the cover of the book will give you the feeling that it is likely a sci-fi thriller. But, in reality it is nowhere close to a sci-fi thriller. It is a different sort of book altogether - somewhat inspiring and motivational. After reading the book, I was left wondering if the cover of the book was intentionally designed that way. The author might have the answer.

We all have goals and dreams in our lives. But, sometimes our priciest dreams shatter despite our best efforts. How do one carry on with life after suffering a failure? Where to get the motivation from? How to overcome the setback and get the life back on track. This book by Varun Gautam tries to address these very questions in its own way.

To my eyes, there were three main characters in the story - Dhruv, Arjun and Mohan. Dhruv, Arjun's cousin is the one who is narrating the story - the most part of which revolves around Arjun. Mohan is Arjun's best friend, but things becomes strange between them when Mohan strikes a jackpot in life without any hard work. While most of the times, the readers will learn about Arjun's life - at times they also get a glimpse of Dhruv's life.

The book has its own pros and cons. The first 50 pages are somewhat confusing because of the way it is narrated, otherwise It is written well. The language used is simple. Through his words the author does inspire confidence and motivation. However, there are certain things which I felt needed more attention. We know Arjun got hold of a symbol - but it is not clear what it is. It seemed like some gadget but the author left it to the readers' imagination. Also, the comparison the author made with the happenings in Arjun's life with how the Indian cricket team was faring was a bit over-the-board. Agreed we are a cricket crazy nation, but drawing parallels between these two didn't feel right.

Overall, it is a commendable book for a debut author. Need some dose of inspiration? You can pick it up.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Thursday 4 December 2014

Metamorphing by Kunal Pancholi

I should have posted the review of this book months ago. But, as fate would have it, it got postponed indefinitely. I received this book as a review copy from the publishers and hence, I have been feeling guilty for not taking out the time to post the review here. Finally, I am penning down my thoughts about it and I am feeling good. 

The 'metamorphing' in the title of the book is essentially 'metamorphosing'. I guess the author used metamorphing' for sheer convenience. 

When I first had a look at the cover of the book - Metamorphing by Kunal Pancholi, I gave me a eerie feeling. The cover depicts a murder site and it says - The Hunt Begins. It had been a while since I read a murder mystery, so I was really looking forward to find out what this book had to offer. Before delving further deeper into the story in the book, I must share what the blurb of the book has to say.

28TH APRIL, 2000: Flight No. 9x4876 bound to Srinagar has crash landed into the Everest Base camp. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the flight mysteriously went off the radar for few minutes and missed its landing. All passengers are feared dead… except for three bodies that are yet to be recovered.

8TH DECEMBER, 2050:This, without doubt is the most gruesome murder in recent times. Early this morning, an unidentified woman was found mutilated at the western gates of the abandoned Victoria Terminus Station in Mumbai. Authorities report her head was … well … semi-decapitated and she was drained of all her blood. The shocking part - the crime scene was devoid of any signs of blood spatter…

ROHAN: I was shorter than the shortest girl in school; I had to be ahead in the game!

RUDRA: "Was I a private detective? What kind of sinister case am I getting into?"

"A thrilling tale about two men bound by an untraceable yet undeniable fate. One running away from his past, another unaware of his own."
If you think you have an inkling of what is happening in the book, then you are likely in for some surprise. As is evident there are two main characters of the story - Rohan and Rudra. The story is narrated in first person by these two characters in alternate chapters. That can get quite confusing if not done right, but in this book the author has done a commendable job in maintaining the clarity in the narration. The language used in the book is simple and easy to understand. The two narrations, although completely different seem to complement each other quite well and build the tempo in the story.

I would not want to reveal anything about the story than what is already revealed in the blurb, as that would definitely be a spoiler. I would not be surprised if the author came up with a sequel of the book in future.

This book is a good choice for reading in journeys - it will surely keep boredom at bay.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Once Smitten, Twice Shy, Thrice Lucky by Sandeep Kothapalli ~ A Book Review

Quoted from the blurb:
“A narrative that spans 16 years and four cities, Varun takes a trip down the memory lane and opens up his world to you, describing the intricacies of shouldering the burden of expectations his family has on him and yet coming up triumphant, the importance of having a friend’s shoulder to cry on when you are down and out and the perks of being a soldier’s son. 

Join the emotional sissy that he calls himself; in his roller coaster ride as he tries to unlock the eternal mystery that is LOVE. In a romantic relationship that has gone kaput, with two women who are as different as chalk and cheese, he finally meets the love of his life.

But do good things come the easy way?

Before that, he has to bear the gut wrenching blows of the henchmen of a local Corporator, physically assault a senior HR leader in his company, almost lose his life in Dharavi and then take on the might of a powerful landlord turned realtor – all though at different stages of his life.

True love is never a one-time event in one’s life. It can hit you in various forms. ‘Once smitten, twice shy, thrice lucky!’ is a story that tells you why Love is a perennial feeling, a mixed bag of myriad emotions no one can ever describe in the true sense.”

I received the book from the author in exchange for an unbiased review.
The title of the book and the blurb reveal quite a lot about the book. In that sense, it can be said that the story seem predictable. But, the way the story unfolds is where the charm of the book lies. You can safely assume that the author shares the story of his life where he falls in love 3 times and only the 3rd time he meets the real love of his life. The book is quite bulky – it has to be- for the narration span over 16 years. That is quite a time to be covered in a single book. Plus there are 3 love stories, albeit 2 unsuccessful. 

The book is divided into three phases, each revolving around the 3 different phases in life. And love happens to him in all the three phases. There are a number of characters at play. I read the book quite slowly, so I found each one of them nicely sketched and depicted. It was as if, I could imagine everything in my mind. At times, it was monotonous – there were unimportant things explained in detail. Otherwise, there is a lot happening in the book, which keeps the readers engaged. Lahiri and Sasha were the two characters that stayed with me, even when I was done with the book. There was something inspiring about these two characters that made them special to me.

In the end, I realized that it is not just a love story; there are so many underlying themes which gel well that make the story entertaining and interesting to read. While you read this book, you are likely to take a few trips down the memory lane as there are quite a few things that most of us can relate to.

Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!

Thursday 6 November 2014

5 Soul Searching Short Stories by Shailesh J. Khatri - A Book Review

Quoted from the blurb -

“Five stories with five critical messages on life… Five situations with the protagonist making a decision that changes his life... Five circumstances that show you that life is never fair and yet… one needs to make the critical decision.
Amar, a promising stock analyst, gets the job of his dreams. However, circumstances lead to his failure. What does Amar do?
Uma is looking for the purpose of his life. He wants to give up the luxuries of life to find the truth. Does he eventually succeed?
Ravi loses his job one fine day and befriends those who tell him that the rich should sacrifice for the poor. He believes them. Does he benefit?
Vikas is shocked and annoyed when his parents decide to take him to their native village instead of Switzerland. What does he learn?
Pratap, a gold medalist in law, gets the job of his dreams in a well-known law firm. He faces a trying case. How does he respond?”

I received the book from in exchange for an unbiased review.

When I first heard about this title, I expected that this book will be packed with 5 stories told in an extra-ordinary way. The word ‘soul-searching’ in the title of the book is what got my attention. Now, Lets find out if the book live up to my expectations?

Consisting of a bare 115 pages, this book 5 Soul-Searching Short Stories by Shailesh Khatri falls in the type of book that you can finish reading in a short reading session. The plots of the story are such that you can relate to it – they are picked from the everyday happenings in an ordinary man’s life. However, the way the stories are written and narrated doesn’t make the desired impact. There is something lacking in the narration which makes the stories easily forgettable.

All the stories start well and have the capacity to keep the reader’s engaged, but somewhere in between the narration falters. The plots are good, but depth in characterization is lacking. Another minus point was that the stories were quite predictable. So, the reader had nothing to look forward to at the end of a story.

I understand the author has put in a lot of effort in his maiden book. I hope my review will help him in doing away with these drawbacks in his next work.

Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!